8 Mar

Getting ready for our Sponsored Swim!

As you are probably aware, 11R are taking part in a sponsored swim in a couple of weeks time.

All funds raised will go towards our end of year prom, so please, please, please get those sponsorship forms filled in, as every pound counts!

8 Mar

11R Learn about Holi

Today we learned the story of Holi, the Hindu colour festival. We learned the meaning of different colours and with our coloured glasses we mixed coloured powder. Pupils enjoyed learning about this different culture. 

in English we looked at Holi facts and opinions. Pupils enjoyed marking…

8 Mar

Astley Park celebrate Holi

Astley Park School had a fantastic time on Wednesday 8th March as we celebrated the Hindu festival of Colour known as Holi.  Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates Spring, Love and new life. Holi is a colour festival, with dancing, singing and throwing powder paint and coloured water. It marks…

7 Mar

Out and About with 8A

8A are continuing to build their confidence and independence skills on our community visits. This week we concentrated on our road safety skills, with each of the pupils taking turns at crossing their peers across the road. The weather hasn’t always been kind to us this week but this hasn’t…

6 Mar

Another busy week in 11R.

Another busy week in 11R  working at Chorley in Bloom planting lots of seeds and bulbs, all ready for the lovely spring time. We also started our final swimming sessions and everyone worked really hard on their  front crawl technique.

Our favourite day this week had to be Wednesday which was…

4 Mar

8P’s busy week - World Book Day, belated pancakes and more…

This week we were pleased to welcome our new Teaching Assistant, Mr Staziker, to our class team.

 We have had a very busy week! A big thank you goes out to our wonderful families for providing early childhood photos for our Brilliant Bodies lesson about growing up - this really helped us to…

3 Mar

World Hearing Day in 10G

Today is World Hearing Day so we talked about how we communicate in class, with our friends and family and out in the community. 10G said that we talk but sometimes people can’t talk and have to communicate in different ways. Katie said some people use signing because they can’t hear and we should…

3 Mar

9A PE - Sprinting!

In PE this week, the children started off the lesson by playing a game called Dragons. This consisted of them making two chains where they were holding onto each other’s shoulders and they had to try to remove the tag from the last person on the other chain. They really enjoyed this warm up and…

3 Mar

Holes in 10G

In class we have been spending time at lunchtime listening to Mrs Cobham reading the story of Holes by Louis Sachar. We decorated our classroom door like the book and Katie drew the lizard and painted it. On Thursday Mrs Cobham finished reading it. We have all enjoyed it and are looking forward to…

3 Mar

Unexpected item in bagging area...

Rowan Class have started this half term enjoying trips to Asda.

We have worked hard on our travel training, independence, and problem solving throughout the trips. Walking safely and sensibly, looking for shopping items and paying for them.

We have had lots of fun and represented ourselves,…

3 Mar

Week 2 Spring 2 11G

On Monday 11G did some data collection on the staff car park. They looked at the different types of  cars and counted and recorded each type. 

On Tuesday we went on the school mini bus to Leighton Moss an RSPB nature reserve in Carnforth. The pupils were split up into groups and using their…

3 Mar

Fire Fire, Emergency Emergency

Before half term our special visitor was Dawn from the fire station.

All the children were very excited to ask their questions that they had thought of. As well as asking our questions we looked at lots of different photos that Dawn had brought of different incidents that the fire service help…