20 Feb

“Ouch! I need a plaster!” in Maple Class

As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and…

18 Feb

Mental Health & Wellbeing Week & Safer Internet Day

In the final week before half term, Oak Class focused on mental health and wellbeing. We explored feelings through song, drama and attention autism. Some pupils were able to correctly label their own emotions and the emotions of others! Our sensory story was ‘The Colour Monster’ we created a…

16 Feb

Holidays Heroes 16th February - Group 3A

We've all had another great day in Holiday Heroes. We had loads of fun in the hall, bouncing on the bouncy castle and using the scooters, wobble boards and didi cars. We loved meeting, stroking and holding the animals from Alldays Farm that came to visit us. Some of us were even brave enough to…

16 Feb

Holiday Heroes: Group 2 (Spring Term)

This week Group 2 have had lots of fun!

On Tuesday, we went to Brew and Buddies for a morning of play. We were even lucky enough to have our lunch there - we had a choice of pizza, sandwiches, crisps, chips and biscuits!

On Thursday, we had the bouncy castle and AllDay Farm visited with lots…

14 Feb

Group 3A Holiday Club

We had a brilliant time at holiday club today!  

Group 3A split into two groups for the activities that we did in school. These activities included: playing on the Nintendo Switch (Just Dance, Minecraft, Mario Kart), playing outside on the playground, walking around the track, playing in the…

11 Feb

8P investigate tooth decay

As part of our Brilliant Bodies topic, 8P have been learning about how to look after our teeth and avoid tooth decay. We used the Human Body app to digitally explore the effects of different foods and drinks on teeth. Using the app we found that we could use the toothbrush to brush away food and…

11 Feb

Food, Glorious Food in 8P!

This half term 8P have been learning about healthy eating, including identifying the main food groups and what these foods do for our bodies. We have enjoyed tasting some different fruits and vegetables, such as mango, lychees and pomegranate. We also sorted the foods into their groups and…

11 Feb

10G Happy Half Term!

This week has been jam packed with it being Children’s Mental Health Week as well as Safer Internet Day on Tuesday as well. Think we’ve all worked so hard that we deserve a week off now!

On Monday, Group 1 went shopping with Mrs Cobham and Miss Holliday. Back in class we were continuing our…

10 Feb

Happy Half Term From Beech Class

Beech Class have had a lovely last week in class.

We have kept ourselves active and regulated for mental health awareness week. We have had lots of fun on the playground, had lots of movement sessions in the hall, and used our regulation equipment in class. 

We are all excited for a week off…

10 Feb

Mental Health Week in Rowan Class

We have enjoyed lots of lovely activities this week for Mental Health Week.

We read Ruby's Worry and The Colour Monster - which helped us explore our feelings. We have made some lovely slime Colour Monsters and decorated biscuits with different emotions. We have enjoyed a Colour Monster hunt…

10 Feb

Happy Half Term from 8A

Well we’ve made it through to half term and we are all more than ready for a rest. This week we’ve finished our visits to Asda and Cappuccino@the hub. The pupils have represented the school  very well and have been complimented on their excellent behaviour many times. We enjoyed some time on the…

10 Feb

Daniel’s Birthday

This week we had another birthday to celebrate. Daniel’s birthday is in the holidays so we celebrated it early. Daniel enjoyed some pizza with his friends and enjoyed a game of hide and seek. He has taken his card home as wanted to open it on his birthday. Have a very happy birthday…