30 Sep

Week 4 in 11G

We’ve been very busy this week in 11G. On Monday we celebrated Charlie’s16th birthday, we sang to him and had a chocolate caterpillar cake. 
On Tuesday we talked about personal hygiene and the importance of keeping our mouths and teeth clean and healthy. We all brushed our teeth with our own…

30 Sep

Week 4 in Rowan Class

We have had another lovely week learning about the Jungle in Rowan Class.

We enjoyed a ssssssssuper snake What's in the Box and made our very own snakes, using brilliant communication to request different parts.

In cooking we have made angel delight with banana - working hard on our chopping…

30 Sep

Week 4 in Maple Class

What a busy and exciting week in Maple Class! We are working hard to learn and follow our routines and learn new names and faces. 

This week we have continued exploring the Jungle through sensory stories, Forrest walks, Attention Autism, play, jigsaws, sounds and getting creative. We have…

30 Sep

7A Asda trip 30/9/22

This week 7A walked over to Chorley Asda and practised their functional maths  and social skills by choosing and ordering items from the Cafe.

Each student used their own money to choose five items for one pound which was part of a deal that Asda are offering at the moment.  The students chose…

28 Sep

Board Games Club

Today launched our first board games club at lunchtime- we all enjoyed playing a variety of table top games- we played Uno, Snakes and Ladders, Keep the Polar Bear Safe, Snap- to name but a few- we all had a lovely time- and are looking forward to going again next week!

26 Sep

7A pizza and cakes 26/9/22

Last Friday the students from 7A had a really enjoyable cookery lesson making cakes and pizzas.

First of all we talked about the importance of hygiene before putting aprons on and washing our hands. We then looked at the ingredients and talked about how we could follow the written instructions…

25 Sep

Jeans for Genes day 2022

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise money for the genetic condition community. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories in Maple class, to circle time discussions and iPad collages in…

23 Sep

Week 3 in 10G

Happy Friday! It’s the end of week 3 of the Autumn term.

This week we have been continuing with our assessments so that Mrs Fisher can finish off setting targets for the coming year for everyone. Thank you to everyone who has made an appointment for Parent’s Evening, Mrs Fisher is fully booked…

23 Sep

11G visit the gym

As part of Duke of Edinburgh award the learners will be undertaking many different activities to enable them to achieve their award.

Every week we will be visiting the gym to cover the physical element of the award. Everyone in 11G have worked so hard in the gym already and have amazed us with…

23 Sep

9A assessment week

What another brilliant week we’ve had in 9A! The pupils have been responding really well to the class rules and have take all feedback on board. We have had assessment week this week and everyone has worked so hard. We have completed many assessments linked to functional Maths and English skills…

23 Sep

Week Three in Rowan Class

Our third week in class has been very busy! 

We continue to use lots of fantastic communication, both in learning activities and during social times.

We have had lots of fun on the scooters and body boards, and in cooking we made some lovely crispie cakes.

Our attention continued to grow…

23 Sep

Terrific Tuesday- celebrating Sean’s birthday and a trip to the park

What a lovely start back to the week after our bank holiday Monday!

Willow class had their first walking trip to Devonshire Road Park to practice their road safety skills and recognising hazards in the community. Once there, we all had a lovely time playing on the equipment together.
