23 Sep

8A Perfect the Recipe!

Good afternoon 8A fans and families!

Wow what another busy week we have had.  Lets start by celebrating our Star of the Week - Olivia!
Olivia showed great teamwork skills across the week and real leadership skills in our life skills lesson today.  Olivia showed she could delegate tasks…

23 Sep

11R Dance Their Socks Off!

As part of our Duke of Edinburgh award we are learning dance- this week we had a visit from Danni from Chorley Schools Sports Partnership.

We talked about the musical theatre production- Hairspray- and started to learn a dance routine to the song - ‘You Can’t Stop The Beat!’ 
Despite some…

23 Sep

You Can’t Catch Me I’m The Gingerbread Man …. In Beech Class

Beech Class have had a super week with lots of fun gingerbread man activities. 

We have had a go at making our own gingerbread people and decorating them. We all sprinkled the flour, stirred the mixture and made them look beautiful with sticky icing and colourful sprinkles. 

We have explored…

23 Sep

First stop…the jungle and Jeans for Genes day

As part of our topic this term, ‘All around the World’, Maple class have been enjoying the sensory story, ‘Walking through the Jungle’. We’ve been identifying animals from the sounds they make, finding them hiding in the tuff trays and in the outdoor area.

Chorley Sports Partnership have been…

22 Sep

Welcome to Willow! A fun first couple of weeks in class!

Wow what a start to the year! We have all had a lovely first two weeks in Willow class making new friends and getting to know each other.

We have enjoyed lots of play and learning activities to help get to know our new friends and help our teachers see how to support us best in this new…

21 Sep

Healthy eating fruit tasting for Willow and Sycamore

Willow and Sycamore had a lovely morning working on our healthy eating choices and love of fruit!

We were very lucky and had a special visitor- Lucia from ASDA. Lucia brought in lots of different fruits for us all to try. We shared what our favourite fruits are and which fruits we have tried…

20 Sep

8P week 2

This week in 8P we continued working on our topic of Weather, we continued our weather walks and took some fantastic pictures of the weather. 
We all painted a rainbow and then we created a class display with them. 
On Wednesday we went swimming and made a real splash in the pool. The class…

17 Sep

Busy Bees in Beech Class

Beech class have had such a busy couple of weeks settling in to school after the summer holidays. We have had such a great time exploring and making new friends. 

Our topic focus has been ‘ourselves’. We have used our fine motor skills to make playdoh people, got our bodies moving in the…

16 Sep

Busy Exploring in Chestnut!

We combined three special occasions within this weeks learning, enabling our learners the opportunity to experience and explore recent key events - Macmillan Coffee Morning, celebrating the life of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and honouring our new King, King Charles III.

On Thursday, we…

16 Sep

A busy week in 9A

Whilst we are still getting to know the learners, the class has played some board games. On the board games, there were ‘tricky words’ that had to be read out to their partner when they landed on that square. The staff were very impressed with how good their reading and word memory from last year…

16 Sep

What’s the weather?

What another amazing week 7P. 

This week we have got to know each other a little better and begun to explore our topic of weather. We showed our teachers what our writing is like and went on a rainbow and autumn hunt around school. We then made cakes for Macmillan coffee morning and worked…

16 Sep

10G Second Week Back

Here we are again, another week been and gone!

We’ve had another good week in 10G, easing everyone back into school life and getting used to our new routines.

As part of our morning routine we have started running a 10G café. This is a time that takes place every morning where all pupils are…