15 May

Catching up with Chestnut Class

Well as we come to the end of another week learning from home let’s see what the Chestnut superstars have been up to …

First up is George,

George has been practising his fine motor skills this week, cutting, sticking and colouring, to make a fantastic, yummy ice cream! He has also been…

15 May

A message to 7R

Hi everyone, 

I thought I’d do another blog so that you can see what each other have been doing this week. You are all working so hard at home and I am so proud of you. I have a few special mentions this week:

Kristen - Well done for a fantastic piece of writing on dinosaur extinction, and…

15 May

8R Summer Week 4 - Learning from Home

Well it looks like another busy week has been had by 8R pupils and staff. But before we talk about what you have been up to I wanted to tell you that today is a special day for someone. Today  Friday 15th May, is Miss Zara's birthday and I know you will all be joining us to wish her a very happy…

15 May

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 4)

Hi everyone,

I think it is only right to start off this week with what 8G’s super special surprise was this week. On Monday afternoon we managed to get nearly all the class together, plus me, Mrs Down, Mrs England and Miss Aindow and do a video call!

I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed…

15 May

Mental Health Awareness Week

Hello everyone, its Miss Della Fera here. I hope everyone is well and staying safe. I know you are all working really hard because I have seen some fantastic pictures of your activities and I know your teachers are all very pleased. Keep up the good work!

Next week is going to be Mental Health…

15 May

What have 7G been up to in Week 8 of Learning at home?

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all well and are keeping safe. 

7G have been very busy again this week. Lets take a look ....


Joshua has been super busy again this week doing lots of really good learning. He has been practicing his Workstation boxes, typing different words with…

12 May

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 7

Hello everyone,

It has been  another busy week for all of our friends in Oak - Let’s have a see what some of us have been doing during our seventh week learning from home.

Learning from Home:

  • Ethan has continued working hard with his number and his counting. He has been practicing his…
10 May

Summer week 3 for Willow Class

Willow class have had a very busy week this week with lots of learning from home. Luckily for us, they have sent in some photos so let’s have a look!

Alfie has been working hard at home learning how to use the email app sending messages to his friends with help from Nana. Well done Alfie!

8 May

Messages from 7R about protecting our environment!

Hi everyone,

Firstly, a huge well done for keeping up the good work. We have been learning from home for a really long time now and I am so proud of each and every one of you for keeping up the good work! I know your families are extremely proud of you too!

Now, let’s look back on this weeks…

8 May

8R Learning from home - Summer Term Week 3

8R have had another busy week at home! 

As well as making VE Day decorations, Thomas has been helping lots around the house, cleaning and making his own lunch, very independent. Thomas also helped with a beautiful collage for his nanna. Well Done Thomas! 

Faith has been enjoying all the…

8 May

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 3)

Hello again everyone!

Here at the end of our 7th week of not being in school.

I have spoken to lots of parents on the phone this week and it has made such a lovely change. As much as I like an email, a good old natter on the phone is much more up my street (especially at the moment), so…

7 May

Secondary’s Wake up and Shake up, May 2020.

We were all feeling a little bit sleepy this morning so needed to do something to wake up our bodies and our brains.


We went into the hall and did a wake up and shake up dance to help us feel awake! We really enjoyed it and took part really well!

We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to…