8 Sep

Welcome to 9A

Welcome to 9A. We hope you’ve all had a restful break and enjoyed some family time together. The sun has started to shine just in time for our return to school. We’ve begun our community visits this week. We have visited Haigh Hall and had a great time on the play area. Our learners have…

8 Sep

First week in Beech 2023

Beech class have had a super first week back! 

We have enjoyed welcoming and getting to know our new classmates. They are all settling in wonderfully and have had a lovely time exploring the classroom, sensory room, and playground. We’ve had lots of fun exploring our bear topic for this half…

8 Sep

First Week in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely first week back in Rowan Class!

The sun has been shining and we have made lots of new friendships. We have enjoyed exploring both class and school and getting to know each other. 

Have a lovely weekend all!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

8 Sep

Welcome to Chestnut Class

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

We have had a wonderful first week back in Chestnut Class, welcoming 3 new learners to Astley Park and getting to know lots of new friends and teachers.

We have been busy enjoying Attention Autism sessions, exploring the activities in the continuous provision and…

6 Sep

Welcome back Sycamore Class !

A huge welcome back!  What a fantastic week we have had in Sycamore Class. 

The children have had a very busy week with lots of fun and laughs.

We have made some super friendships this week welcoming two new children to Sycamore. 

The children have settled in very well back into school…