27 Jan

What a busy week in 8A

Well another busy week in 8A. We started the week off celebrating Chinese New Year. Mrs Bentham brought some Chinese food in for us all to try and we made some Chinese dragons which are on the display board. 

We have been learning about how our heart works and we used stethoscopes to listen to…

27 Jan

Joseph’s Birthday Celebration.

Today we celebrated Joseph’s birthday in class. It’s actually tomorrow but he has been super excited all week so we were all eager to join in the celebrations. He brought some party bags in for his friends and we had a celebration in the afternoon where he enjoyed some sausages and chips and…

22 Jan

World Religion Week 8A

This week was World Religion Week and 8A found out lots of things related to Hinduism. Some of the class were able to join 7A on a trip to the Hindu Temple in Preston. We found out about the different gods and were able to look around the beautiful temple.

Our community based trips also…

15 Dec

Secondary Christmas Spectacular

What a Performance we had on Tuesday! 

The secondary department would like to thank all the parents, family, carers and family friends who came to see our show and also those of you who joined from home via video link. It was a wonderful turn out. 

I am sure you will all join me in…

8 Dec

Yule won't believe your eyes. 8A share their learning in festive fashion!

Good afternoon all,

Sorry we haven’t blogged for a few weeks but we have been so busy and I am sure most of you are aware, we have had some rotten luck with winter bugs!

Despite this, we have managed to continue to work on our core skills and today we invited families in for our Autumn term…

18 Nov

Next Stop….. 8A Please!

Good afternoon all,


Let’s begin with our Star of the week. This weeks winner is the magnificent Jake!  Jake, as always has tried his best all week and been a super friend, but what caught all the teams eye this week was his determination and perseverance when accessing his school swimming…

11 Nov

Remembrance Day 2022

This week classes have been invited to join in Remembrance Day traditions throughout school.

Each teacher has planned meaningful and engaging activities surrounding the theme of ‘War’ and ‘Remembrance’.

Learners have been exposed to different learning focuses and learning new facts through a…

11 Nov

8A Cover the Big Topics

Good afternoon, all,

Let’s start with star of the week. This week’s winner has been fabulous all week and shown how much she is progressing. We are really proud to give this week’s award to – Teegan!

Teegan has been amazing all week, being a true model of all our school values. Teegan has…

4 Nov

8A's are Poets and we know it!

Good afternoon,

What a great week we have had in 8A.  It has been action packed and full of fun, laughter, and learning. 

Our Star of the Week this week is Olivia - for showing 'determination' to walk all the way to the supermarket and back. Olivia didn’t use her wheelchair once and showed…

20 Oct

Blackpool Illuminations 2022!

This week some learners from Year 7 and 8 got the opportunity to go on an evening visit to go and see the Blackpool Illuminations as well as a chippy tea. This was an extra special trip as it was the first one in a couple of years. 

Everyone had a really good time, showed our school values and…

15 Oct

8A Superhero Creations Save the Day!

Good afternoon, 

Sometimes when I write this blog I just do not know where to start! We have been that busy this week I haven’t even got room for photos of our scientific investigation which challenged the pupils to make a traditional compass using water and magnets. 

But one thing did…

12 Oct

Our First 'Chill and Chat' Session

Our first 'Chill and Chat' session took place yesterday. It was lovely for parents/carers to have the opportunity to chat together over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.


Our next get together will take place on 6th December at 1:00pm. Further details to follow.


Hope to see you all…