17 Jul

Summer Holiday Video Offer

It’s the holidays!

Thank you so much for all your hard work and engagement with our learning videos on our YouTube channel over the last few months. It has been wonderful to see so many photos and videos of pupils taking part in activities both at home and in school. Some of you will now be…

6 Jul

7R are working hard!

Hi everyone, 

It’s great that you are all continuing to work hard at home. Last week we finished reading Mary Anning and the Time Twister on Purple Mash. I hope you all enjoyed the story. The work you have done answering questions on each chapter is fantastic. It would be great if you could…

8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Week 2


We had an amazing response to last weeks challenge and would love for even more pupils to join us this week.

Remember If you achieve 6 stars you get a gold award, 5 stars for a silver award and 4 stars for a bronze award and you’ll get a shout out in our star of the week assembly!


8 Jun

Six Star Challenge Awards week 1

Well done everyone! You are all absolutely amazing.


Week 1's Gold award winners are:

Scarlett in Chestnut

Adam in Maple

Annie in Rowan 

Olivia in willow

Michael in 8R

Thomas in 8R 

Cordell in 8R

Well done - you achieved all 6 stars. WOW.


Week 1's Silver…

8 Jun

7R begin to read “Mary Anning and the Time Twister”

Hi everybody, 

This half term, as part of our “dinosaurs” topic, 7R will be reading “Mary Anning and the Time Twister” by Louisa Glancy. Each week will be reading one chapter of the book on Purple Mash and then we will complete activities based on that chapter. During chapter 1, we met a class…

26 May

Join in with us - Sing and Sign!

Hi everyone, 

This week the signs of the day are teaching you all the colours of the rainbow and we would really like your help!

You will see that there is a new YouTube video that has been posted today called the colours of the rainbow song. Mrs Linde's very talented daughter Georgia sang…

22 May

7R - Who was Mary Anning?

Hi everybody, 

Well done for another week learning from home! This week we have learnt about Mary Anning, a palaeontologist who is famous for discovering dinosaur fossils! What a cool job! We have researched Mary Anning and produced fact files using Purple Mash this week. Take a look at some of…

19 May

Secondary have been busy in school!

Last week the Secondary learners were very busy working with Miss Hendy, Mrs England and Miss Aindow. 

During the week we took part in baking activities, Communication, Thinking and Problem Solving and some My Creativity. 

Everyone worked really hard and had a fab week! 


15 May

A message to 7R

Hi everyone, 

I thought I’d do another blog so that you can see what each other have been doing this week. You are all working so hard at home and I am so proud of you. I have a few special mentions this week:

Kristen - Well done for a fantastic piece of writing on dinosaur extinction, and…

10 May

Summer week 3 for Willow Class

Willow class have had a very busy week this week with lots of learning from home. Luckily for us, they have sent in some photos so let’s have a look!

Alfie has been working hard at home learning how to use the email app sending messages to his friends with help from Nana. Well done Alfie!

8 May

Messages from 7R about protecting our environment!

Hi everyone,

Firstly, a huge well done for keeping up the good work. We have been learning from home for a really long time now and I am so proud of each and every one of you for keeping up the good work! I know your families are extremely proud of you too!

Now, let’s look back on this weeks…

4 May

7R...How would you feel if dinosaurs were alive today?

Hi everybody,

I was on holiday last week but Miss Beck has been telling me about the fantastic work you all did at home and I am so proud of you all for trying so hard! Last week I set you some reading about dinosaurs and tasks which involved reflecting on what you had read to answer questions.…