11 Feb

Internet Safety day in Willow class

This week Willow learnt all about how we can stay safe on different games and websites when we are on our computers and iPads! 
We discussed what information we could share on the internet (e.g. a cartoon avatar and code name on a game) and what information we only tell friends and family. We…

10 Feb

Willow enjoy Victorian Day

Last Thursday was our first history day of the year and all primary phase classes learnt about the Victorians.

Willow class learnt all about what it was like to be a child in the Victorian era, looking at Victorian schools and workhouses for children. The children loved learning about all the…

27 Jan

7R Celebrate Chinese New Year!

Today 7R have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We spent the morning reading a story that taught us about the animals that the years are named after. We used masks to act out the story once we had listened to it and practiced playing parts by thinking of something the different animals…

13 Jan

9G Devonshire park trip

We visited Devonshire Road Park today, it was a little cold, wet and windy but it didn't stop us having a brilliant trip. We went on the slides, swings, roundabouts, climbing frames, balancing beams trampoline and even made some music using the equipment. A group of children wanted to play…

10 Jan

Food, Glorious Food - 7R

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food". 

Communication, Language and Literacy

In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…