3 Nov

9A week 1 - Autumn term.

After an unexpected start this week we have had a lovely week returning to school after the holidays. As previously mentioned 9A learners are now writing the blogs, so this is our week in 9A learner’s words.

”On Tuesday morning we made get well cards for a friend in our class to cheer her up.…

2 Nov

7A are Back!

This week 7A have been very busy settling back into routine and getting back into the swing of learning, through some Halloween and Bonfire Night theme activities.

On Tuesday, we applied our speaking, writing and drawing skills to share stories about our half-term and then applied our creative…

26 Oct

Holiday Heroes - Thursday 26th October

Today was the second day of Holiday Heroes this half term and although the weather was wet again, it didn’t stop any of the activities that were planned.

The animal therapist from Alldays Farm brought a selection of small animals to meet everyone in the morning. The different groups of children…

24 Oct

Holiday Heroes - Tuesday 24/10/23

Day one of October Holiday Club was action packed as usual and despite the wet weather, everyone had lots of fun. 

Children in Group 1 (pupils from Beech, Chestnut, Maple and Oak classes) had a great time playing on the didi cars, wobble boards and scooters in the hall in the morning. After…

19 Oct

8A Fun at the Park

8As Afternoon at the Park.


On Monday afternoon, we made the most of the dry weather and the class walked to the near by Devonshire Rec Park. 

Whilst walking to the park, the learners were reminded on keeping themselves safe when crossing the road. 

When at the park, the learners…

19 Oct

8As day out

8As day out to Rascals and McDonalds 


The learners were very excited this morning coming into school. 

They still had to do their reading and writing and had their morning snacks before we all set off to Rascals. 


Mrs Cheetham was our driver for the day and chauffeured the class…

22 Sep

10A Start our Community Visits

This week 10A went on the first of our weekly community visits into Chorley town centre.
To start off, we cleared some room in class, and kindly donated some unwanted books to a local charity shop. Everyone was very sensible and mature, carrying a bag full of books each.

We then had a walk to…

11 Jul

11G Get Chilly

11G had a wonderful time at Chill Factore for their end of year treat. We travelled to the Trafford centre on the Sunshine bus and we went to McDonalds to order our lunch. We then headed over to the Chill Factor to get kitted out in our warm waterproofs and snow boots, then we went into the…

10 Jul

Busy, busy, busy in 8A

8A have had a very busy 2 weeks. We have continued to go on our visits to Lytham St Annes, Hindley Swimming baths and our local Asda. Gemma swam a full length of the pool and achieved her 25m award. Well done Gemma.

Miss Bentham has been teaching us all about capacity in Maths. We really…

30 Jun

11G Fundraising Hero’s

As you may remember 11G did a Triathlon a few months ago to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Today a lady called Yvonne from the charity came to school to take some photographs and to collect the sponsorship money. 

We raised £600 for this wonderful charity. 


11G you are…

6 Jun

7A day out at Blackpool Zoo.

Well what a great way to get back into school life… a trip to Blackpool Zoo!

7A were very excited as we set off to sunny Blackpool. 

We arrived at the Zoo and it was very busy.

First stop was the penguins, on the way we saw a couple of the little monkeys, we loved seeing them jumping…

30 May

Holiday Heroes - 30th May 2023

What a fantastic start to our Holiday Club we've had today. The weather is beautiful and everyone has enjoyed playing outside on our climbing frame and adventure playground, riding the bikes and trikes and just chilling out in the sunshine.

Group 1 went on a trip to Space Sensory Rooms in…