28 Mar

8P final week 28/3/24

We have finally made it to our last day before the Easter break. 

8P have had a lovely week.

We have been to the supermarket, where we bought items for our food technology lesson.

We have made a variety of sandwiches which we ate this morning, before making some really nice Easter…

22 Mar

8P week 5, 22/3/24

It has been a lovely week in 8P and we have all been busy taking part in lots of different activities. 

To help us with our maths, we had a trip out to a local supermarket where we chose things from our  shopping list. We each took turns to pick items up from the shelves, but the best part was…

4 Mar

9A spring 2 week3

On Monday morning we recapped on fractions in Maths especially quarters, we are all getting really good at them. After break the girls went to girls group and the boys did some reading.

In the afternoon we did some reading comprehension about evacuees and their parents in WW2 and we answered…

1 Mar

8P week 2 (1/3/24)

It has been a busy week for the pupils and staff in 8P. 

We have done lots of hard work and also had lots of fun. 

Unfortunately, the rain meant that we had to use the school transport to take part in our weekly shopping trip (instead of practising our travel training), but we still had a…

1 Mar

10A Nuffield Health Centre Enrichment Programme week 2

This week at the Nuffield Gym Ashley the Personal Trainer had designed a training circuit for the pupils to attempt. The circuit was a combination of a seating weight lift, rowing machine, ski pull, sledge push and lunges. Ashley timed the pupils on each activity and when directed they rotated…

1 Mar

10A Chorley in Bloom, Environmental Awareness

As part of our Duke of Edinburgh Experience we shall be volunteering at Chorley in Bloom.

Today was our first visit and we were greeted by the volunteers, Iris and Jill. 
Our project today was to create our Grass heads, as a group we listened to the instructions and followed them.


23 Feb

Nuffield Gym Enrichment programme

As part of our careers enrichment programme a few pupils visited Nuffield Gym to undertake a 5 week programme of work experience.

This week the pupils worked with Ashley a PT instructor and familiarised themselves with the environment. This involved using equipment safely, a warm up and cool…

23 Feb

10A community visits

This term in 10A is busy with community visits around the area. 
Our first visits of the week are to Chorley in Bloom, Jake visited on Monday and is involved with planting and creating a feature using tyres, unfortunately due to the weather the rest of the class were unable to visit but we will…

5 Feb

8A at the Fieldfare.

8A at Fieldfare celebrating Miss McPartlin last week in school.


8A walked all the way to the Fieldfare for our lunch today, to celebrate Miss McPartlins last week in school, as she is leaving for a little rest before having her baby. 

8A was very sensible walking down the big hill and…

5 Feb

9A week 5 term 2

On Monday morning we learnt about mental health week. We talked about how we felt and that our voices matter then we did some mindfulness colouring. After break we did some reading and Sound-write. After lunch we did relax to get ourselves ready for the afternoon. We then made some decorations for…

2 Feb

10A enjoy sports facilities in the community

This week whilst thinking about being healthy we have been enjoying lots of sport activities.

A group were involved in a day of football where we displayed great teamwork, and represented Astley Park School with great enthusiasm and pride.

Another group visited Chorley Leisure Centre where…

26 Jan

10A’s busy week!

This week has been mega busy in 10A. Jake was able to work with Chorley in Bloom and continue his Community Action Project. The whole class have been crazy busy working towards ASDAN qualifications in class and in the community, including sentence structure in English and measurement and  time in…