27 Apr

Chestnut’s day at the farm

This week Chestnut Class have had a fabulous day out to Smithills Farm in Bolton. It forms part of our class topic of Houses and Homes this term.

Chestnut Class have enjoyed exploring the farm and meeting and stroking so many different animals ! We found the cows, pigs, sheep, llamas, owls,…

16 Mar

9G safari adventure

9Gs wonderful Safari adventure.


So as you know, 9G were very lucky to be able to go to Knowsley Safari park today. 


We saw soooo many different animals! We managed to spot lots of deers, camels, donkeys, rhinos, wolves, tigers and we even got to see lots and lots of baboons! We…

10 Mar

Willow class explore our local environment

This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test! 

4 Mar

Sycamore and the Busy Week!

What a busy week Sycamore have had. 


On St David’s day we made Daffodil pictures. We used water colours to create our designs, we looked at the colours of daffodils and incorporated them into our work. Afterwards we held our own ‘Sycamore Art Gallery’ where we celebrated each others art…

25 Feb

10G continue learning about Leisure Activities

10G have had a busy first week back and continued with their learning of leisure.

We have all changed our jobs in our class cafe and are really getting to grips and enjoying our new roles. We are all really excited to learn new skills and improve our independence.

In P.E. we have started to…

17 Feb

February Holiday Heroes

What a great couple of days we’ve had this week in our Holiday Heroes club!

On Tuesday, all our younger children went on a trip to a play centre - everyone had a great time climbing up and sliding down the play frame as well as exploring the toys, vehicles and role play. Then everyone sat…

21 Jan

10G Boss Boulder UK

What an exciting time we had at Boulder UK this week. 
We put on our special climbing shoes and listened to the safety rules. 
We were put into two groups with Keith and Sadie as our leaders.

Our first job was to see if we could stand on the climbing holds safely.

We all managed this…

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

19 Jan

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.

A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!

Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

13 Jan

11G Chorley in Bloom 12 January 2021


We had great fun on our first visit to Chorley in Bloom.  
After a short ride on the school mini bus we arrived at the community garden. We meet two lovely ladies that are going to help us.  Each one of us got a little yellow bag, which had seeds for us to look at . Gill and Iris told us…

13 Jan

A wonderful swimming session for Sycamore

What a wonderful first swimming session we have had this week in Sycamore. Our teachers are super impressed with how well we all did. Everyone followed instructions, was extremely sensible, tried very hard putting a lot of effort into their swimming and had also importantly had fun! We swam on our…

5 Jan

Festive Holiday Heroes - December 2021

We had 3 fun packed days of festive fun in our Holiday Heroes club held during the Christmas holidays.

We managed to pack in 2 trips to Space sensory rooms in Preston where everyone had lots of fun - it's one of our favourite activities as the facilities are perfect for our pupils and everyone…