8 Dec

11g sharing our learning 8th December


After all our hard work over this term, we invited our parents to see what we have been doing in ASDAN. We’ve  been working really hard on looking after our environment and recycling. We looked at all different kinds of things that you can recycle. We looked at things that are good and bad…

30 Nov

Willow class enjoy Chorley Schools dance festival!

Willow class were very lucky to be invited to participate in the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership dance festival! This was our first trip this year and we were so excited for a ride on the minibus to go on a school trip.

The children enjoyed a musical warmup keeping in time to the beat and…

13 Sep

Welcome to willow class- making friends and having fun!

What a fantastic start to the new year!

Willow staff were so excited to welcome pupils back to school on Monday and couldn’t wait to get to know everyone. The children arrived full of excitement and were eager to get start the new year.

We have all had such a lovely week playing games,…

12 Aug

Holiday Hero’s Group 3 Week 3

This week we’ve had some lovely weather and made the most of it by spending lots of time outside. On Tuesday, Mrs Mahood drove us all the way to Skelmersdale where we had a great time in the pool with lots of lily pads and noodles. We were all really hungry after swimming so some of us enjoyed a…

15 Jul

Willow class goes to the park!

On Wednesday this week we went on our last trip of the year- to the park on Devonshire Road!

The children had a fantastic time in the sun playing on the equipment together. Please enjoy all the photos.

5 Jul

8R visit Knowsley Safari Park

Today 8R were super lucky and were able to visit Knowsley Safari Park!!

We got on our school minibus this morning with our coats and packed lunches and Mrs Devlin drove us all the way there.

We were all very excited to see al the different animals when we got there. We drove through and…

25 Jun

11R Work Hard and Play Hard

What a fantastic day we had on Thursday. The morning started off with us identifying what we would like to buy for our dinner from ASDA. 

We then costed up prices as a meal deal and worked out how much money we could save if we pooled our money together. 

We walked to ASDA and split up into…

9 Jun

10G learns about leisure time!


This half term we are learning all about how to make the most of our leisure time as part of our ASDAN curriculum. Yesterday we all had a chat about what we thought this topic would be about and came up with some fantastic suggestions such as: bowling, swimming, running, playing games,…

21 May

Working hard in 9R


We always have a busy week in 9R and this week has been no different.

In Communication, Language and Literacy we have have been working on Harry Potter based activities. Some learners have been using the story plans they worked on last week to write their own story, while others have made…

19 May

9R Escape from School!!

On Wednesday morning 9R went on their first school trip since lockdown. We walked to Astley Park and we had a long play on the park. Before we walked back to school we walked up to the hall and we saw some Canada Geese with 2 goslings on the lake by the hall. It was nice to be out of school in the…

22 Apr

10G technology trekkers!

Wow, what a super trip you had 10G. You did a super job at finding all of the different items of technology in the community. As part of your ASDAN work you are currently working on using technology in the home and community. You were super stars and found lots of different items such as a…

5 Feb

10G’s Wonderful Work, Week 5!

10G have had another super week learning from home. We enjoyed getting to all chat to each other on Monday mornings TEAMS call and telling each other what we have been up to at the weekend. On Wednesday afternoon we had lots of fun with Mr Murphy on our TEAMS call making our own books on book…