10 Jul

Willow class trip to the Mosque

Last Monday, Willlow class went on a trip to the Mosque. We enjoyed looking in the Mosque, listening to a call to prayer and learning about why Muslims go to Mosque. We learned some new words and looked at Arabic letters. We also learned lots of things about Muslim families as we have been…

30 Jun

11G Fundraising Hero’s

As you may remember 11G did a Triathlon a few months ago to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Today a lady called Yvonne from the charity came to school to take some photographs and to collect the sponsorship money. 

We raised £600 for this wonderful charity. 


11G you are…

28 Jun

11R Chorley in Bloom Comes to an End

Wow, we have come to the end of our time volunteering with Chorley in Bloom.


We have had a blast! 

Today we were spoilt, we had samples of what we had grown; cake and drinks.

we would like to thank the Chorley in Bloom team for everything they have done for us over the past 6…

26 May

10G Summer term, week 6.

This week we have continued to look at healthy living and we have all increased our daily step target from 7000 to 7500. This is 37,500 steps at school each week and I am proud to say that all children and staff completed this target. Everyone has pushed themselves daily, completing more than…

21 Apr

8A Bowling Kings!

8A represented Astley Park in the Chorley High School Bowling competition this week. The event was organised by Chorley Sports Partnership and was held at Escape Entertainment Chorley. We were put into 2 teams  and took over lanes 5 and 6. Our Team Managers were Mr Crew and Mrs Devlin, who aren’t…

24 Mar

Oak Class Zoo Vets

Oak Class have had a very busy week! 

We have explored the story of the ‘Zoo Vet’ with sensory experiences. We have worked hard on expressing ‘I see…’ and ‘I hear…’ across contexts.

We have also explored string instruments in our Charanga sessions. Confidence was gained during food…

28 Feb

What a busy week back after half term for 8A!!

Well after our half term break 8A got straight back into our community visits and swimming lessons. This half term on a Monday and Tuesday we have cancelled our lunches and we are going for lunch to Seven Seas Fish and Chip shop in our community groups. Both groups really enjoyed their lunches and…

20 Feb

“Ouch! I need a plaster!” in Maple Class

As part of our ‘Emergency, Emergency!’ topic, Maple class have been exploring the important roles of Nurses and how they help us. We have enjoyed our Sensory story, “Ouch! I need a plaster!” and located body parts by placing plasters on dollies. We have been counting and finding one less and…

3 Feb

Week 5 8A

Well this week our class as always had fun. Out and about on our usual community visits. We now have a table reservation when we visit the Cappuccino@the hub, and the pupils are gaining confidence with their independence. We have problem solved situations ourselves and asked for straws…

20 Jan

11R icy weather did not stop our fun, we made bird feeders!

Our visit to Chorley in Bloom was cancelled due to the icy weather. So we continued with our D of E topic in school. We all contributed in a class discussion with everyone saying something that could help the environment, from recycling to using energy efficient light bulbs. Then the fun…

20 Jan

RE Week in Maple Class

Maple Class have had a fantastic week exploring the Islamic Faith through Attention Autism, dress up, creative work, cooking and music. We have tasted traditional foods and made sweets eaten at Eid using our fabulous communication skills to make requests, follow instructions and take turns. We…

18 Jan

Gujarat Hindu Temple visit

8P visited the Hindu temple this morning with our friends from 7P. 
Our host showed us each shrine in the temple, telling stories about each God  that was represented in each shrine. We also had the opportunity to explore some of the artwork in the temple and Chris found an interesting new…