Happy Diwali from 8A!
Today we are celebrating Diwali in school. 8A thought about what we had learnt last year about Diwali as part of our Year 7 “celebrations” theme. We could remember that Hindus celebrate Diwali and that they get presents at Diwali. Mrs Crouch reminded us that Diwali was the festival of light and we…
11G fund raising
11G have become entrepreneurs this week.
After a long debate ……we came to a very important decision. How we can help raise money to go towards our prom.
Its a while off yet , but we need to get going.
Halloween seemed like a good place to start . We talked about what we bought needed to…
11G new digital leader.
11g are pleased to announce that Faith became our new digital leader.
After doing an electronic application along with other candidates they where sent The Digital lead coordinator where all applicants where viewed , short listed . Congratulations on achieving digital lead for 11g .…
10G’s eggcellent week!
10G have had a busy and eggcellent week. We have been learning all about how to stay healthy and what meals and snacks we should be eating. We have also been very busy practising our reading and counting skills. We have worked very hard on this and have all achieved a lot since we have…
Willow class give back to their community
This week Willow class have been giving back to our community helping people and nature.
Willow class put their knowledge about British birds into action by designing and creating some fantastic bird feeders. They make sure the feeders were camouflaged to blend in with the environment and all…
7A Build strong spaghetti towers and even stronger friendships
This week 7A worked on a spaghetti challenge in pairs. They had ten minutes to see who could build the tallest tower using spaghetti and playdough. Jake and Megan won the challenge and we discussed the team work skills they used to support winning the challenge such as good talking, helping each…
Virtual coffee morning for Willow Class
Today, Willow Class hosted a virtual coffee morning to share with our parents so they could see what we got up to!
Mrs Scambler ran a cake shop in class and we all had a go at decorating our own cakes so we could have cakes and chat in class. Miss Riley gave us all a challenge as we had to…
Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1
Hello everyone!
We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!
Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…
Smoothie shop in Willow Class
Willow class enjoyed a functional maths and food etc lesson, designing a smoothie recipe.
The children had to choose the ingredients they wanted, then use the price lists to work out what the quantity of each ingredient would cost.
Next children had to visit the banker to withdraw the money…
11R Valentine's Day Pillow Enterprise
11R have been learning how to sew this term. We have hand sewn and now managed to master a sewing machine (supported). Pupils have made the cushions seen in the images, these are filled with lavender and love heart sweets. We are now planning on selling them for £1.50 from 3rd February - 14th…