1 May

Pyjamarama Day 2020

We hope that everyone has had fun celebrating Pyjamarama day and enjoyed the excuse to stay in your PJ’s all day! 
Children in school and at home have enjoyed wearing their pyjamas while completing their learning activities. Some children have been reading with their loved ones while others have…

26 Apr

Willow class learning from home- Summer week 1

Hello everyone!

We have had some good weather this week so I hope you have had a chance to spend some time in the sun with your families. Let’s have a look at what some of our class have been up to this week!

Liam, Jake, Owen, Hasan and Olivia all took part in our Easter egg decorating…

24 Apr

Dinosaur discoveries in 7R!

Hi everybody,

I hope you are all enjoying our new topic - dinosaurs! I love the research you have done this week and look forward to hearing what else you find out over the coming weeks. Have a look at each other’s work below. Tyler and Kristen have added questions to their fact files for you…

20 Mar

Oak Class’s Healthy Cafe

This week Oak Class have been spoilt for choice with a selection of fruit, toast and biscuits for snack time. 


We created our own little healthy cafe and Oak class used their own words to request what they wanted to try. 

  • Josh’s favourite was the apple. 
  • Amelia was very happy we…
20 Mar

Oak - Holi Festival 2020

Last Monday, Mr Darbyshire led our assembly and we learned about the traditional Hindu festival ‘The Holi Festival’. Some of us got to have a turn using powder paint to create colour clouds. 


Back in Oak class we explored colour through lots of activities. Miss Cross did an Attention…

20 Mar

Oak - Rainbow Day 2020

Last Friday, Oak had their belated Rainbow Day and celebrated how we are all different. 


First we read the story ‘We Are All Different’. We took turns using mirrors to talk about how we all look and what we had that was the same or different. Oscar told us he had glasses and Tig said he…

14 Mar

A billionaire comes to Blackpool!!!

What a fantastic day!!!

If you have been following our blogs you will know 10R have been studying David Walliams in parts of their English sessions. We have read some of his stories, looked at David himself and even written to him. One of the stories we first read together as a class was…

12 Mar

Oak - World Book Day 2020

What a fantastic day we had celebrating World Book Day. We had a wonderful, busy, fun-filled day!

In Oak we had lots of wonderful characters walk through the door! We had a unicorn, sonic, dinosaurs, Mary Popins, a Cat, a Lion, a Princess, Shine, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hulk and…

6 Mar


We read the story of The Wizard of Oz. We focused on the story of the lion and learned about courage. We had a class discussion about times we need courage and what helps us get through.


some pupils identified that the lion didn’t drink a magic potion to have courage. The potion was a…

12 Feb

7R learn about the rotten Romans!

Today 7R celebrated “History day” as we missed it last week due to our Calvert residential trip. We have had a fantastic day!

This morning, Mrs Crouch split us into research teams. Each team was given research questions to find out the answer to. The teams had to delegate roles to decide a…

12 Feb

Present in the post for 10R!!!

10R had a brilliant surprise in the post recently!!!

Last term during our English sessions we all wrote letters to David Walliams to practice a range of skills. These included writing and forming sentences including conjunctions, formatting a letter, spelling and perfecting our handwriting…

10 Feb

Willow enjoy Victorian Day

Last Thursday was our first history day of the year and all primary phase classes learnt about the Victorians.

Willow class learnt all about what it was like to be a child in the Victorian era, looking at Victorian schools and workhouses for children. The children loved learning about all the…