4 Mar

A week with World book day in 7 a !

A very busy week in 7a ! 
In maths this week we have been exploring measurement. We used a ruler to measure our friends hands. We needed to think about where the ruler needs to be placed and from which number we start the measurement from. 
We prompted the children to start at 0 at the bottom of…

4 Mar

Beech class world book day

Beech class had a fun world book day. We bounced on the bouncy castle and knocked over the towers in the hall. We listened to the sensory story of the 3 little pigs and loved blowing the straw house down. We dressed up and played in straw, and bricks as well as having a pig sensory tray. What a…

3 Mar

World book day in Willow class

What a fun day for Willow class!

We we’re all so excited to dress up and everyone loved showing off their costumes and lovely outfits taking selfies with friends. We joined the school assembly to look at which fairytale character had been sneaking around school caught on the cctv- we guessed it…

25 Feb

Fantastic first week back in 7a !!

This week the children have returned and given us some amazing maths and English work. 
pin maths this week we have been looking at measurement . The children have used different tools and ways to measure different objects around the room ….. including our FRIENDS !!!! The children then looked at…

11 Feb

7 a jump into maths , ready to roll in to half term !

This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have…

4 Feb

A message from 8A…

This term our theme is “Our Planet”. In our My Community lessons we have been thinking about our local environment and some of us have been out in the local community litter picking. We have been shocked at the amount of litter we have found over the past few weeks in Chorley Town Centre and at…

3 Feb

Up up and away with 7a !

This week in 7 a all the children have worked really hard . We have seen lots of progression in both English and maths . 
In English the children have watched parts of the film UP ! We used this as a starting point to work on predictions from last week . They was able to create their own…

28 Jan

7a Gelli bath maths and a birthday party !!

This week 7 a have explored maths through sensory exploration in gelli bath . They searched for numicon to use as visual supports for simple addition questions. The children worked really well together then worked independently and in small groups . 

In English this week the children have…

21 Jan

A productive week in 7A !

This week has been a little different in 7A , but that didn’t stop them . 
This week we have engaged in lots of fun activities and even had a go at some challenges . 

We have enjoyed some leaping and landing gymnastics in PE . Some of this felt a little but scary for some children on the…

19 Jan

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.

A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!

Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

17 Dec

11Gs Alpaca Experience

On Thursday the 16th of December 11G were lucky enough to get to meet the Alpacas that came to visit Astley Park School. We got to stroke them, walk them around the school hall and feed them. We found it quite ticklish when they ate their food out of our hands but managed to stay very still. We…

2 Dec

Solar System Superstars in 8A

This term in My Communication we have been learning all about space as part of our Bright Sparks theme. In Autumn 1 we focussed on the Hidden Figures and NASA, and in Autumn 2 we have been focusing on finding out more about the planets. We have learnt that the planets in our solar system orbit the…