8 Mar

11R Learn about Holi

Today we learned the story of Holi, the Hindu colour festival. We learned the meaning of different colours and with our coloured glasses we mixed coloured powder. Pupils enjoyed learning about this different culture. 

in English we looked at Holi facts and opinions. Pupils enjoyed marking…

3 Mar

Week 2 Spring 2 11G

On Monday 11G did some data collection on the staff car park. They looked at the different types of  cars and counted and recorded each type. 

On Tuesday we went on the school mini bus to Leighton Moss an RSPB nature reserve in Carnforth. The pupils were split up into groups and using their…

3 Mar

Fire Fire, Emergency Emergency

Before half term our special visitor was Dawn from the fire station.

All the children were very excited to ask their questions that they had thought of. As well as asking our questions we looked at lots of different photos that Dawn had brought of different incidents that the fire service help…

30 Jan

Willow Class learn all about the work of lifeguards

Today we were visited by our very own Astley Park Lifeguard - Miss Potter! We had the opportunity to ask her questions to find out about the work of lifeguards before we tried on the lifeguard uniform and pretended to jump in the pool and save someone. We watched videos of lifeguards working and…

9 Jan

Nurse Amy visits Willow and Sycamore!

As part of our theme, “Emergency! Emergency!”, Nurse Amy, who is our class governor in Willow Class, came to see us today to tell us all about the job of a nurse. Some of Sycamore Class joined us to find out about the job of a nurse too. 

Before Nurse Amy arrived, we thought about questions…

16 Dec

See you in 2023!

11G have had a very busy term. We are certainly ready for our Christmas break.

On Monday we made some Christmas cards for our family, some of us made a reindeer card and others made a robin card.

On Tuesday morning we went swimming, we swam for a while and then because it was our last…

9 Dec

11R Sharing Our Learning - Hairspray

Today we welcomed our parents and careers into school to show off our learning throughout the Autumn term. 

Parents were welcomed into the hall to watch a presentation of rehearsal photos which lead us into watching our PE Hairspray performance taught to us by Dani from Chorley School Sports…

2 Dec

11G go to the Pantomime

11G were very lucky this week to go to a pantomime at The Empire Theatre, Blackburn. We watched Cinderella, we were all very excited and some of us were a little nervous as we hadn’t been to the theatre before. 

We all had great fun, it was very funny especially the ugly sisters and…

25 Nov

What another busy week 11G

Wow!!! Another busy week in 11G we are working really hard on our Asdan work. 

On Monday we shared our weekend news with our friends, we all had very busy weekends but we were eager to come back to school to learn. In English we are reading the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we looked…

21 Nov

All friends together in 7A.

This week was Friendship week and Children in Need.

7A have been very busy, some of them have played word games making a pattern of all their friends names,which they really enjoyed whilst others coloured pictures of what friendship means to them.

Everyone sat together to listen to Miss…

18 Nov

9A Autumn2, Week 3

We’ve had a brilliant week in 9A! 


In our My Communication lessons this week, 9A learnt about verbs. Verbs are doing words, for example, running. One group practised identifying verbs used in the text - “Meg and Mog”, and the other group practised writing sentences using verbs, linked to…

14 Oct

7A visit the café.

This week 7A visited the café in Chorley town centre to practice our independence.

We walked from school into town showing our road safety skills, looking both ways when crossing roads and using pelican crossings when available.

When we arrived at the café we all sat down and perused the…