15 Oct

11G …..yes l can !


11G  have be busy this week.

We have been looking at things that We can do .  These ranged from making a cup of tea for our family, to playing with family and friends. We found out that we could do lots of things on our own. Doing things for someone else or for yourselve makes you feel…

1 Oct

10G get Autumnal

This week in 10G we have well and truly embraced the autumnal weather. We read a story about a lovely group of animal friends, called ‘Don’t hog the hedge’. This story taught us all about friendship and sharing, as the animals in the story had to share a hedge to make sure they were all safe in…

1 Oct

What will 8A be learning about in My Communication this half term?

This half term in My Communication, as part of our Bright Sparks theme during Black History Month, 8A will be learning all about the three inspirational black women who helped build NASA. We will be learning all about the lives of Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson & Christine Darden…

17 Sep

11G’s Jeans for Gene’s Day!


Today 11G have been learning all about what jeans for genes day is, why we celebrate it and we learnt some facts another different genetic conditions. We learnt that the money we contributed went to help support children and families with different genetic conditions. We all designed our…

11 Sep

Welcome Back 8A

8A have had a great first week back. Everyone has settled into our new classroom, we have a new outside area with beanbags that we can chill and relax on and lots of fun activities that we can enjoy outside. We have played lots of games. We have learnt about how we are feeling and zones we are in…

10 Sep

Amelia turns 16 - 11G


11G have had a great first week back. They have all thoroughly enjoyed being back together and have enjoyed playing new games with one another. They have been on the climbing frame, been on a scavenger hunt, practised their reading skills, practised meditating, worked on their maths skills…

14 Jul

10Gs Creative Calvert Trust Experience Part 2

10G had a fantastic time on Wednesday afternoon. The instructors discussed with us how to stay safe on the water whilst canoeing and we got dressed into the safety clothes to ensure we would be okay whilst on the water. We helped one another to put the canoes in the water and got the chance to go…

14 Jul

10Gs Courageous Calvert Trust Part 1

10G had a fantastic time at Calvert Trust. On the Monday we all had a lovely chat at school and got all of our things ready to go. Then we got to stop off at McDonald’s on the way for our lunch which was a lovely treat. Once we arrived at Calvert Trust we unpacked our suitcases and had a lovely…

9 Jul

7A are looking forward to Year 8

Well our last full week in 7A has come around so quickly. We are looking forward to a few days of celebrations next week but this week in My Communication  we have been thinking about what we are looking forward to in Year 8. Most of us are looking forward to moving to a new classroom and…

8 Jul

Sycamore are hoping for a win!

This week we have been very busy in Sycamore class, we have all be focussing on our own personal targets whilst looking at our progression over the year and all of our achievements. We have looked at our writing, our Colourful Semantics and using a task schedules to be in charge of our own…

25 Jun

10G’s Sports Week!


Wow, what a busy week you have all had 10G. This week has been sports week in Astley Park School. We have taken part in a variety of different activities and had so much fun trying them out. This week we have done the egg and spoon race, football and rugby, orienteering, the rainbow run…

25 Jun

11G - Let's Get Moving - Sports Week June 2021

This week has been another busy week for 11G - we have continued with college visits for some students but also taken part in a week long extravaganza of everything sporty!!  We have done lots of activities to get our bodies and our minds working. On Monday we started the week with a class warm up…