16 Jun

Rainbow Week in 10G (Summer Week 8)

Wow it has been another scorcher of a week in school this week! Because of this, we have taken the pressure off with our daily step target and have accepted however many steps everyone has done by the end of the day. We have talked lots about the importance of resting when the weather is so hot,…

16 Jun

7P Rainbow Day

7P have had a lovely week celebrating Pride Month. We made our own Pride Emoji, read stories about different family types and then created some wonderful crafts! We even decorated some rainbow biscuits! 

7P loved the parade with the rest of the school, walking with their wind socks, emoji…

16 Jun

A colourful week in 8P

This week we have celebrated Rainbow week.

Rainbow week is a joyful and colorful display of love, unity, and resilience, with lots of activities to promote inclusivity, educate, and celebrate diversity.

8P have looked at stories about families and how everyone is different and that is ok. We…

16 Jun

Summer 2 Week 2 in 10R

Well it's been a hot one this week!

We started Monday with a maths lesson and we had ASDAN in the afternoon, which we continued on Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon we continued to read The Wizard of Oz in English and completed some more comprehension tasks.

Wednesday morning we had a short…

14 Jun

Rainbow Day in Beech Class

Beech Class have celebrated Rainbow Day this week.

We have had colourful tuff trays to explore and played with colourful toys.

Mrs Barrand did a fun Attention Autism where she made a funnel, filled it with colourful materials, and then blew the end of the funnel so that materials flew…

26 May

8P end another great half term!

Our learners have been working hard again this week!

On Tuesday we went to Aldi to top up our snack box and everyone was fantastic at using the checkout to put some items through and pay for them.

Wednesday was Luca’s 13th birthday and we celebrated with some cakes that he had very kindly…

25 May

9A Buddha Day and Share Our Learning session 2

9A enjoyed having Owen R’s mum and Teddy’s mum join us this week for our SMSC lesson on Buddha Day! 

We enjoyed learning about the Buddha and Buddhism by: 

- watching the Buddha’s story 

- learning about the Buddha, Buddhism and how Buddha Day is celebrated around the world 


25 May

Buddha Day

We have today celebrated Buddha’s birthday across school. Classes have participated in craft activities, research, sequencing, sentence creation and some have accessed meditation. 

Each class submitted lotus flower craft competition entries. The standard was high, many prizes were given! Rowan…

20 May

10G Summer Term Week 5

Happy weekend, it is forecast to be a scorcher, so we hope you all get to enjoy the sunshine together! It has been a jam-packed week in 10G this week, we have packed so much in! We have had quite a few pupils who have been unwell and have had to stay at home while they recover so we hope everyone…

18 May

Astley Park Feel Zen!

Kelsang Pagpa came to school today to share the main beliefs of Buddhism and to lead meditation for pupils ahead of Buddha Day next week.

 Pagpa explained that the Buddhist way of life is very normal and that he feels at home when teaching at the Buddhist Centre in Preston. He expressed that he…

18 May

Sycamore learn about baptism

In sycamore today with Mrs Crouch the children learned all about baptism . As a class we talked about what a baptism is and what it means . Mrs Crouch showed the children how to baptise a baby , then all of the children had a go at being the Vicor to baptise the baby. 
The children used ‘holy…

16 May

The day the Buddhist Monk came to visit.

Today we had a visit from a Buddhist Monk, Kelsang Pagpa. All Buddhist monks are named Kelsang which means ‘fortunate one’ and his name Pagpa means ‘realised ultimate truth’.

He wore orange robes which are meant to symbolize simplicity and detachment of materialism.

He spoke to us about how…