24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

11 Nov

Astley Park ‘will remember them’

On this special day, the pupils of Astley Park have been getting very artsy producing some amazing arts and crafts ideas to pay respect on Remembrance Day! The children have all had their creative hats on and have made some fantastic tributes!


7 Nov

Willow Class remember remember the fifth of November!

Willow class have worked hard this week looking at our safety skills coming up to Bonfire night to stay safe at Bonfires and around fireworks. Earlier in the week we looked at the history behind bonfire night and the story of Guy Fawkes along with finding out how exactly fireworks work and how…

21 Oct

11G Black history month



We have been busy looking at Black History Month.

We looked at article’s, watched video clips and power points.

Then as a class we discussed things we had seen.

We where shocked with some of the things we saw.

We made books about Rosa Parks, a very brave women who changed the…

13 Oct

10R Family Tree

This week we have been looking at families, how they're different and who belongs in our families. From this we have talked about familiy relationships and identified who are important to us.

Leading up to making our family tree we considered what different families may look like in our diverse…

1 Oct

What will 8A be learning about in My Communication this half term?

This half term in My Communication, as part of our Bright Sparks theme during Black History Month, 8A will be learning all about the three inspirational black women who helped build NASA. We will be learning all about the lives of Dorothy Vaughan, Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson & Christine Darden…

14 May

Happy Eid from 10G!

Happy Eid everyone! 10G have had a lovely time this week learning all about Eid. First we all had a chat about what we thought Eid was and what religion celebrated it. Then we watched a video of children explaining all about what Eid is and learnt some fantastic facts about it such as the fact…

26 Mar

8R have an ‘eggxcellent’ week

8R have had such a busy and wonderful week this week!

We have all done some wonderful writing and written a diary entry pretending to be an evacuee from World War 2. Miss Brophy was soooo impressed with these!

During the rest of our week we have got super crafty and created some wonderful…

12 Mar

More Tanks and Trenches

On Thursday we had a great afternoon making Anderson Shelters. We worked in pairs to design our shelter and garden.

We enjoyed learning about these shelters.

We have started “Goodnight Mr Tom” as our class read which is about a little boy called William who is evacuated to live with a man…

5 Mar

9R Soon to be Friends Reunited

We had a great teams call on Tuesday - Sam, Faith, Sarah and Thomas joined us. We talked about our favourite books and Mrs Cobham read us two stories.

We each talked about our favourite book - Faith likes the Dinosaur that pooped a princess, Sam said he liked reading about Everton football…

29 Jan

8R’s busy week 4!

8R have had such a busy week this week, doing lots of learning, lots of teams calls and having lots of fun!

We have been looking at our topic of tanks and trenches this week and have explored the wars in lots of different ways.

We started our week by looking at newspapers and the features we…

22 Jan

9R Tanks, Trenches and TEAMs

Another busy, busy week in 9R, we’ve had lots of fun and learnt lots of new things. We’ve listened to a story called One Boy’s War read by Mrs Cobham, a true story about a young boy called Sydney who went to war and never returned. The story is on the school you tube channel for you to watch. We…