15 Jan

To Infinity and Beyond in 7A

Wow what a busy second week back!


In 7A our new theme is “Let’s Go to the Movies”. During My Communication lessons, learners both in school and at home have finished watching Toy Story and completing written tasks using colourful semantics, practicing using capital letters, full stops and…

15 Jan

9G Split Success

Hello all of 9G, both at home and school! 

Can I just say you have all been amazing considering the changes we have had this week! Those in school are also learning a little differently than those of you at home and you have all embraced the challenge! Well done!

Learners in School


11 Dec

Sycamore Share Their Learning...

This morning some of our families joined us on Microsoft Teams for our Share our Learning event.

We enjoyed sharing a Christmas Quiz! 

Sycamore worked in 3 small teams and worked together to think about the questions and write out the answers. 

Great work everybody!

9 Dec

Oak Class: A Sneak Peek

This week Oak class have been working extremely hard to put our clip together for the schools Christmas Performance ‘Coronativity’. We’re very excited for our parents to see what we have done.


4 Dec

9G are getting Festive!

9G have been embracing the Christmas spirit in class this week!

The cheeky elf has come to join us - take a look at the pictures to see what mischief he has been up to!

We have also had a Christmas makeover, with a Post Office, Christmas Tree and we have also decorated outside of the…

3 Dec

7A create Sadaqah Jars

Today 7A have been thinking about Sadaqah. We learnt that for Muslims, Sadaqah is all about being kind to others. We created our own kindness jars following an in-task schedule and we put ideas inside of things we could do to be kind to others. We came up with some fantastic suggestions. Joshua…

27 Nov

Under the sea!

This week Rowan class have been learning about sea animals and all things sea related! Our fairy tale story this half term is The Little Mermaid, so our work for the next few weeks will be sea themed. 

For My Creativity we had to rescue different plastic animals from the ice. We had to choose…

27 Nov

Oak look at Hansel and Gretel

This week Oak Class have moved away from Little Mermaid and have moved to looking at Hansel and Gretel. This week:

  • In My Communication we have explored a new sensory story, exploring the props to help our understanding. We have practiced our reading and writing skills through colourful…
27 Nov

9G are Super Stars!

9G have had another busy week this week. 

We have taken part in lots of learning activities, including sight reading and sounds write, practicing our number skills and developing our turn taking skills. We have also been working on listening and speaking to our peers during lego therapy in…

20 Nov

Rowan - Dogs don’t do ballet

On Wednesday in Rowan class we listened to the story ‘dogs don’t do ballet’. A lovely story about a dog who wants to become a ballerina but everyone keeps says dog don’t do ballet. But, we discovered in our story that dogs do ballet. 

We discussed what jobs we would like to do when we are…

20 Nov

9G Keep on Celebrating!

It has been another super week in 9G. 

This week we have worked hard on our reading and writing. 9G tried out using colourful semantics on the iPads, creating sentences about our story Star in the Jar. We really enjoyed doing it this way and will be using the iPads to help us going forward. We…

18 Nov

Challenging Gender Stereotypes in 7A

This week at school we are thinking about challenging gender stereotypes. In 7A we have been thinking about gender stereotypes in terms of job roles. We read the story “Charlie The Firefighter” and discussed whether we thought Charlie would be a male or female firefighter. Most learners thought…