12 Nov

7A Week 10 Autumn Term

Another busy busy start to the week in 7A this week! The next celebration that we are focusing on is the Hindu festival of Diwali. To begin our learning about this we read the story of Rama and Sita during our My Communication lesson on Monday morning. Josh and Jake were already familiar with the…

11 Nov

Sycamore Remember..

Sycamore have enjoyed a day of activities themed around ‘Remembrance Day’. 


This morning we enjoyed a circle time and we shared our ideas and what we remember about Remembrance Day. We then had our 2 minutes silence to remember all the soldiers who have fought in wars to help keep us…

6 Nov

7A love fireworks!

7A have loved learning about Bonfire Night this week as part of our Celebrations topic. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we completed a challenge to create safety fireworks for the younger children to refer to on Bonfire Night. We listened to a safety presentation and then added our own suggestions…

6 Nov

9G enjoy the fireworks!

We have had a great first week back after half term. 

There has been lots of firework and bonfire themed fun this week. 

In our My Thinking and Problem Solving sessions we have been working on recognising objects up to 10 in different arrangements, adding 1 digit numbers together using…

23 Oct

9G do some Ghost Busting!

We have had the most brilliant week in 9G! 

Everyone has worked so hard and tired activities they wouldn’t normally do, embracing the Halloween spirit! 

We have collected eyeballs from pumpkins full of jelly, made witches spells in the kitchen, palates lots of group games and even…

23 Oct

7A celebrate Halloween

This term our theme is Celebrations. We have really enjoyed celebrating Halloween this week. We completed a Blue-Bot challenge to make potions, completed a Halloween workout, played Halloween games, wrote about Halloween on Purple Mash, had fun in the photo booth and enjoyed Halloween treats. We…

16 Oct

Sycamore: Learning About Our Body

Sycamore have had a very busy week continuing their learning in their ‘All About Me’ topic. We have continued to learn about our new classroom and friends, talking about our likes and dislikes and thinking about what we have in common too. 


This week our learning has had a bigger focus on…

16 Oct

7A Build strong spaghetti towers and even stronger friendships

This week 7A worked on a spaghetti challenge in pairs. They had ten minutes to see who could build the tallest tower using spaghetti and playdough. Jake and Megan won the challenge and we discussed the team work skills they used to support winning the challenge such as good talking, helping each…

9 Oct

We're all going on a .... leaf hunt!

What another amazing week in 9G! We really do love all being together!

On Monday 9G began our new story ‘We’re going on a Leaf hunt’. Miss Hendy did a sensory story to go with each page. We then practiced our writing of autumn words, reading and played in the new sensory autumn tray. In the…

2 Oct

What Makes Us Happy ... Being Together! & 9G Macmillan Coffee Morning!

Wow, what an amazing first whole week back 9G have had! Everyone has coped very well, and we have had so much fun being back together!

On Monday, we continued to look at our feelings, recognising what makes us happy, sad, cross, or scared. We explored this through the story ‘What makes us…

25 Sep

Another awesome week for 9G group A and B!

It has been a great last week as two separate groups in 9G! 

Group A

Group A have been busy learning about germs and how important it is to wash our hands. Everyone enjoyed cleaning off the dirty hands in the tuff tray using the squeezy bottle! All the children tried hard to use their fine…

25 Sep

Week 4 fun in 10G!

10G have had a lovely week. They have enjoyed making their very own playdough, practising their cycling skills, going on schools very own climbing frame, taking part in sensory circuits, played a game of football, had fun making fruit skewers and painted rainbows. What a busy week 10G. We can’t…