19 Nov

7P One Kind Word

This week 7P have been focusing on Friendship week - One Kind Word. 

7P have talked about what bullying is and how this can effect different people. We learnt that this can be both physical and verbal. 7P remembered about the Astley Park school values, and how they fit into One Kind…

11 Nov

7P's very exciting week!

What another fabulous week it has been in 7P!

We started the week with a potions lesson, helping to support us with our counting, addition and in some cases multiplication! We used the different potion ingredients to count, and used numicon shapes to help us where we needed it! We have tried…

10 Nov

Children in Need fundraing in 8A

In 8A for Children in Need this year we have decided to make and sell dog biscuits to staff. Josh designed an order form and Owen G, Daniel and Jake made some money boxes. JJ, Teddy, Megan, Amelia and Annie worked as a team to make the biscuits we used Pudsey Bear shape biscuit cutters to cut out…

5 Nov

7P Celebrate Diwali and Bonfire Night

7P have settled in very well after their half term holidays. It was great to talk about what they had all been up to and look at pictures too!

This week 7P have been learning about Diwali through My Thinking and Problem Solving and My Communication. Learners in 7P have shown that they can…

4 Nov

Crafting our Values with Victoria Hough

Victoria Hough is an artist who specialises in working with groups of children to create exciting pieces of art. We invited her into Astley Park School to help us create a masterpiece to incorporate our new school values of Kindness, Respect, Honesty, Positivity and Teamwork. Victoria worked with…

4 Nov

Celebrating Divali in Willow class

Today in Willow class we were learning all about Divali! We looked at what Divali actually means- what is it and how is it celebrated? The children enjoyed talking about the special celebration and ways it is celebrated using special food, music, decorations and lights. Some of the children drew…

4 Nov

Willow Class explore black history month and Notting hill carnival!

In October Willow Class learnt about why we have black history month, celebrating the achievements of black men and women. We have had lots of good conversation about wrong it would be to be be treated differently for how you look or where you come from with learners relating this to our own class…

4 Nov

Happy Diwali from 8A!

Today we are celebrating Diwali in school. 8A thought about what we had learnt last year about Diwali as part of our Year 7 “celebrations” theme. We could remember that Hindus celebrate Diwali and that they get presents at Diwali. Mrs Crouch reminded us that Diwali was the festival of light and we…

31 Oct

7P Celebrate Black History Month

7P have celebrated Black History Month on the last week in class. 

We listened to a book called M for Melanin, where each letter of the book spoke about something to proud of about yourself and your skin colour. We learnt some Black History through this.

We then used mirrors and iPads to…

15 Oct

9G are nearly there

My Communication 

We have continued looking at being a good friend in 9G. We spoke about what a compliment was. It was nice to hear some of the pupils complimenting each other. 


We have used the class iPads today, looking at days of the week. The class worked in small groups and used…

3 Oct

Cakes and Witchcraft

What a wonderful few weeks we have had in 7P! 

We have taken part in lots of different activities to show our skills to the adults in class. This has included craft activities, fine motor, writing and turn taking games. 

7P had a very successful Coffee Afternoon for Macmillan, where family…

30 Sep

11G Get to the park independently.


What a lovely day to go down to the park. Alex and Mason had the big responsibility of getting us all to Astley Park and back safely.  They took it in turned to stop at the curb, look for traffic and then make the big desion if it was safe to cross the road. Well done, you got us all to the…