20 Apr

Dodd group have a wonderfully wet start to residential

7P are having a wonderful start to residential. Our group is called Dodd group and our instructor is Lou. We are having so much fun! Everyone has settled in really well. 

Last night we enjoyed a session in the Calvert swimming pool. We loved the lights and music! We had a chill in the games…

20 Apr

Willow Class Celebrate Passover

Welcome back Willow Class!!!

Yesterday we learnt all about the Jewish holiday of Passover. 
We looked at the story of Moses and why Passover is celebrated. Willow Class listened really well to the story and asked some fantastic questions!!

We then looked at how Passover is celebrated and…

1 Apr

The end of Spring for 7P

7P have had such a busy last few weeks of the spring half term. 

We have celebrated World Epilepsy Awareness day and World Autism Awareness. 

We have continued with our time work showing that we can read o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and some of us even 24 hour…

31 Mar

Egg-cellent Week in Oak

We have had such a fantastic week in Oak class celebrating all things Easter! We have made Easter cards and followed instructions to make delicious rice crispie cakes. We have followed clues to find hidden Easter eggs and learned all about why we celebrate Easter. We have looked at daffodils,…

18 Mar

7P Celebrate!

7P have been doing a little bit of celebrating over the last few weeks! 

We took part in a yoga session arranged by Mr Murphy last week which taught us about strategies to help us when we are feeling sad or worried. Everyone participated and followed the instructions of the teacher well.


11 Mar

10G visit The Cafe At Astley Park

On Wednesday we had a change from our usual morning Cafe in class. As it was a lovely day we went for a walk to the Cafe at Astley Park. We practiced our road safety skills whilst out in the community, finding safe places to cross and spotting dangers.


Once at the Cafe we looked at the…

10 Mar

Willow class explore our local environment

This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test! 

4 Mar

7P’s Wonderful Week

7P have had a very busy week! 

This week we have celebrated St David’s Day through daffodil themed activities. 

Then we took part in world book day where we all dressed up! 

As well as that we have practiced our independence skills by making toast using our favourite toppings! 

2 Mar

Willow class go green

This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.

We have had some great discussions about what…

25 Feb

7P have a busy busy week!

What a busy week we have had in 7P! 

We have continued with our topic ‘We’re going on a Safari’. Miss Hendy went to the zoo in the holidays so we have used her pictures to help us build and write some super sentences! We have also been reading our story ‘We all go on Safari’ and learnt some…

25 Feb

10G continue learning about Leisure Activities

10G have had a busy first week back and continued with their learning of leisure.

We have all changed our jobs in our class cafe and are really getting to grips and enjoying our new roles. We are all really excited to learn new skills and improve our independence.

In P.E. we have started to…

11 Feb

Safer Internet Day in 7P

7P created their own kindness potions as part of Online Safety Day. 

We used our values to help us make good choices about what you should and shouldn’t do on the internet to make it a safer and kinder place. 

Have a look at our potions!