11 Oct

7A have a ‘wheelie’ good time.

Our ‘new’ fruit this week was blackberries. Most of us really liked them as they were very sweet but one person gave them a 2.5 out of 10. On Monday afternoon we had Miss Troughton for My Creativity. We did a witches and wizards dot to dot and a maze. It was really hard work to find the correct…

27 Sep

7A enjoy week 4!

Our ‘new’ food this week was avocado, we had three who loved it but the majority of 7A didn’t like it!! On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards with Miss Troughton. They played a game, which involved stealing a potion from the Grand High witch without being…

13 Sep

‘What a fabulous few weeks in Oak Class!’

Oak class have had a fantastic two weeks since returning to school after the holidays! They’ve worked so well learning our daily class routines and new faces!

Some highlights over the past two weeks include:

  • Swimming lessons
  • Walking to Asda, shopping for food technology ingredients…
10 Sep

10A Week 2 - W/B 09.09.24

So Monday started with us reading examples of letters, written in a formal tone. It was funny reading what the people were complaining about but we found some interesting vocabulary that the author had used to get his point across. After break we had maths, where we are recapping addition and…

8 Jul

9A Summer 2 Week 6 23/24

This week in maths, we continued learning about position and direction. We have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise directions, applying our learning of fractions when talking about quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns, plotting coordinates to draw shapes and translating shapes…

5 Jul

9A Summer 2 Week 5 23/24

This week we started our new maths topic, position and direction. We have been looking at the directions of turns, starting with left and right, moving onto clockwise and anti-clockwise. Some of us have also been looking at the position of coordinates and labelling what they have seen. In English,…

5 Jul

Week 6 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have accessed a range of activities to develop our gross and fine motor skills. On Tuesday Chorley Sports Partnership engaged us in activities to support our coordination and balance. We have been focussing our attention to travel in different ways by sliding, crawling and…

28 Jun

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued to explore Under The Sea topic through Attention Autism, creativity, and the continuous provision. We’ve been counting sandcastles, ice creams and sea creatures and finding out how many left when one is taken away. We’ve been practising our pouring skills…

24 May

9A summer 1 - Week 6

9A have had a fantastic end to the half term. We started the week off with a descriptive game where we each drew a head on a piece of paper and then folded the paper. We passed it to someone else and they drew a body. We folded it again and passed it over to someone else for them to draw the…

17 May

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

What a fantastic week in Chestnut Class!

This week learners have been accessing the community in small groups. Learners have visited Nuffield Health Centre for swim sessions learning to follow instructions in water and practising their dressing skills. Pupils have been to Astley Park with Mrs…

2 May

9A summer 1- week 3


This week in 9A, We have started to read our new book The Tin Forest, we had a think about the things we might find in a forgotten place full of things people didn’t want any more and We’ve created some lovely art work based on the descriptive words in the story. 

We have had some problems…

2 May

Week 3 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued learning about UnderThe Sea through Attention Autism, Sensology, Creative tasks and in the continuous provision. Learners have been practising their independent travel with Mrs Lane transitioning around school and on visits to Astley Park and small groups…