Welcome back Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class learners have had a very busy start to the half term! We have been learning about primary colours in a range of activities including mixing paints and coloured water into jars to create secondary colours. This week we started our Recycling sessions and we thoroughly enjoyed…

Two busy weeks in Maple Class!
We have had a busy two week in Maple Class!
Maple Class have enjoyed exploring their topic and listening to the three little pigs sensory story and engaging with attention autism sessions. We have also loved our jungle themed sensology, exploring colours in my creativity and making sandwiches…

Chestnut Class Week 4
This week Chestnut have enjoyed exploring utensils from the kitchen as part of our House and Homes topic.
We enjoyed Stage 2 AA watching Miss Spear create a fabulous recipe using flour and cream and took turns to sprinkle using a colander.
During Maths themed AA we watched as Miss created a…

Willow class w.c. 22.01.23
Willow class had a fantastic week last week, we are so proud of the progress they are making!
We started the week with some P.E. where we developed our striking and fielding skills in rounders. We practiced a throwing skills and our aim as we threw balls into hoops with our partners. We then…

Oak class explore habitats
For the past couple of weeks, Oak class have been exploring habitats. We made our own igloos, using glue and cotton wool, we tore the cotton wool and then used the glue to stick it down. We also cut some pictures out of animals that live in the cold and stuck them in the artic, some of these…
Oak class explore Hinduism
This week Astley Park school celebrated world religion week. Each class got their own religion to explore. Oak class were given Hinduism. We did lots of activities based around Hinduism, we matched pictures, we designed henna in a tuff tray filled with icing sugar and cocoa powder and we also…
World Religion Week in 8A
World Religion Week in 8A
This week at Astley Park School, it’s been “World Religion Week”.
8A looked at Buddhism religion.
The learners watched a PowerPoint about what Buddhist beliefs are.
8A listened to a story about how Siddhartha Gautama became a Buddha and what he taught…

A busy week in Maple Class!
Maple class have had a very busy week this week, we are enjoying being back at school!
On Monday, we enjoyed making jam sandwiches in our cookery session! We have been working on our cutting and spreading skills. We all enjoyed tasting the jam and did brilliant listening when following…

Chestnut Class explore Buddhism
Chestnut Class have loved the snow this week and spent lots of time outdoors exploring, scooping and throwing snow balls!
In PSHE we have been focussing on identifying and recognising facial features through songs, mirrors and matching activities and creating collages.
During Food tech we…
Happy New Year Chestnut Class!
It’s been great to see everyone back in Chestnut class and get back into routines this week. As part of our house and homes topic, children have enjoyed 3 Little Pigs Attention Autism and even helped to ‘blow’ the houses down! We’ve been building structures and enjoying different homes in the…

9A Week 2- Term 2
On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…

Happy New Year in Willow class
Happy New Year from Willow class! Our fabulous learners have all returned from their Christmas break energised and ready to engage in their new topic. This term we are looking at Homes and Habitats. We made a start by looking at different types of homes and we talked about the houses built by the…