17 May

Happy Wesak!

On Monday, all pupils celebrated Wesak (Buddha Day). The Buddhist festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Pupils explored the story of Buddha in ways appropriate to their pathway and worked hard creating mandalas which were entered into the APS Mandala Contest, the…

13 May

7P talk about right or wrong actions as part of mental health awareness week!

7P have worked so hard this week! You can see a variety of pictures below of circus skills, role play, going to the shop, playing games and cooking! 

We have focused this week on Mental Health Awareness Week and Loneliness. 7P were able to recognise right and wrong actions around this topic…

1 Apr

The end of Spring for 7P

7P have had such a busy last few weeks of the spring half term. 

We have celebrated World Epilepsy Awareness day and World Autism Awareness. 

We have continued with our time work showing that we can read o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past and some of us even 24 hour…

1 Apr

Money magic maths & Eggstravagant Easter crafts !

This week the children have done some magnificent money work in maths. The children used role play to work in small groups visiting the shop, selecting games and items of different amounts . Each child had £10 to spend , when selecting items from the shop they was able to work out weather or not…

31 Mar

Egg-cellent Week in Oak

We have had such a fantastic week in Oak class celebrating all things Easter! We have made Easter cards and followed instructions to make delicious rice crispie cakes. We have followed clues to find hidden Easter eggs and learned all about why we celebrate Easter. We have looked at daffodils,…

18 Mar

7a subtraction superstars !

This week in maths 7a have been working really hard with subtraction. The have been able to use number lines to work out subtraction equations up to 20. Some of the children worked in small groups and others independently. The teachers were super impressed with our subtraction superstars this…

4 Mar

A week with World book day in 7 a !

A very busy week in 7a ! 
In maths this week we have been exploring measurement. We used a ruler to measure our friends hands. We needed to think about where the ruler needs to be placed and from which number we start the measurement from. 
We prompted the children to start at 0 at the bottom of…

3 Mar

8A Celebrate St David's Day

On Tuesday it was 1st March, which meant that it was St David’s Day. In 8A we learnt about who St David was and why people in Wales like to celebrate on 1st March. We found out that the people of Wales like to march in parades, sing and play music and dance too. Lots of people (especially…

1 Mar

Willow Class Celebrate St David’s Day

Today we celebrated St David’s Day in Willow Class. 
We learned all about St David and then tested our knowledge with a quiz. 
Following the quiz we made beautiful daffodil sun catchers and coloured in some Welsh flags. 
At snack time some of us tried Welsh cakes and others smelled them. 

23 Feb

8A My Creativity- Making sculptures out of clay

8A are continuing to learn about Sculptures in their art work this half term (as part of our Spring theme Our Planet). 

This week we learnt that sculptures can be made of any sort of material, but that the most common ones are metal, stone and clay.

To link to the Our Planet theme, we…

2 Feb

Making sculptures in 8A

As part 8A's Our Planet theme this half term, 8A have been learning about Sculptures as part of their My Creativity work. 

Each week, we have focused on a different artist and this week it was Barbara Hepworth. In previous weeks we have learnt about Marc Quinn who liked to make sculptures of…

14 Jan

What will 8A be learning about this term?

Happy New Year everyone!

8A have had a fantastic start to the new year. We thought you might like to know all about our new theme, "Our Planet" and what we will be learning about this term. 

My Communication

In My Communication this half term, Mrs Crouch will be helping us to write some…