25 Jun

Sports Week in Oak Class 2021

This week we have had so much fun exploring all different types of sports with our class and celebrating Miss Curry’s birthday!


Every morning we have started our day with a dance class. Everyone has had so much fun joining in and learning new moves, even the teachers have been having…

18 Jun

9G Summer 2, Week 1 and 2

9G have had an amazing start to the final half term in 9G!

We settled in well getting straight back into our number and reading work. 9G also got on well in our instruction giving activity in P.E, particularly as it was very hot! 

9G went on a wild flower hunt as part of The World…

18 Jun

The Treasure of Sycamore

This week in Sycamore we have been looking at the story of ‘The Treasure of Captain Claw’. We worked in groups to label the cover of the book and write our prediction of what we think is going to happen in the book. We read the book and looked a parts of the story identifying what is happening in…

18 Jun

Mamma Mia Maple!

Maple class have had a wonderful day experiencing all things Italiano! The children looked at some famous places in Italy and watched carefully as we made a giant pizza! The children explored the 'Trevi Fountain' in our outdoor water trays, making wishes as they dropped in coins. The children made…

28 May

Rowan reuse plastic

This week in Rowan class we have been learning how we can reuse different materials in our homes.

We have designed and decorated our own plant pots using plastic bottles.

After the half-term we are going to sow some seeds and take them home to watch them grow.

Super work this week Rowan,…

27 May

This is a tale of Sycamore’s tiny snail...

This is a tale of a tiny snail...

We have finished filming our version of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ this week and we cannot wait to show everyone! 

We have loved using the masks and making our voices sound low and high! 


Sycamore has had a great focus on mindfulness this week . We…

21 May

Sea shanties and rhythm in Willow class

Willow class have had an especially musical week this week! 
As part of our pirate topic we looked at sea shanties! We have learnt a lot about how pirates communicated and how lots of pirates couldn’t read so they had to use different means of communication. We looked at some examples of pirate…

21 May

Sycamore’s snail has an itchy foot!

Another busy week again for us in Sycamore. 


We have been powering on with our retelling of the snail and the whale story. We have loved pretending to dig the whale out and found pretending to be the children running out of school hilarious and the snail having an itchy foot was even…

14 May

9G Celebrate Eid!

9G have had a very busy 5th week at school this week! 

First of all this week we have continued with our number and money work. Some of 9G are now beginning to remember number bonds to 5, and are giving amounts to money to an adult in 1p or other coin combinations!

We then continued to work…

14 May

9G Summer 1 Week 3 and 4

What a busy two weeks for 9G! There has been so much going on!

9G have continued with number, money and practicing our independence skills in the workstation. 

We have also made a start on our Camper vans. We designed our ideas, and then began painting them with our chosen colours. With some…

13 May

Sycamore Celebrate Eid!

This week Sycamore have been busy learning new facts about ‘Islam’ and the festival of ‘Eid’.


We have been learning that;

  • Islam is a religion.
  • Muslims are people who follow Islam.
  • Eid is a Muslim festival, celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
  • Ramadan is when grown up Muslims do…
13 May

Rowan celebrate Eid

Today Rowan class have learnt about Eid and how it is celebrated.


We worked in small groups to make our own star shaped biscuits and enjoyed eating them together at snack time.


Super learning today Rowan!!