24 Jun

Beech class take part in sports week

What a fantastic week Beech class, joining in all of the sports events. We have run the egg and spoon race, played football and rugby were we practised our throwing and kicking. We used different areas for sensory circuits, in the hall and in our outdoor area. On Thursday we had a rainbow walk to…

21 Jun

9R Are As Busy As Bees

We have taken part in lots of fun activities this week as part of our learning.

We have looked at compass directions and Mrs Clarke sent us all an app to our iPads. We completed a worksheet in pairs following directions which was lots of fun.

We have played board games to help with turn…

18 Jun

Working hard whilst Miss Brophy was away working hard.

This week Miss Brophy was away on a course so she left us lots of exciting work to do and Mr Murphy was lucky enough to spend a few days in our class to help us out. We researched facts about our Harry Potter house teams to use in our persuasive writing.  We found out some really interesting facts…

15 Jun

11R Howzat!

As part of our preparation for Sports Week, 11R have been trying out different sporting activities in the sun.

This week was cricket! and we all enjoyed taking part either fielding, bowling or batting (or all three).

We have some fantastic cricketers in our class, they really did bowl us…

11 Jun

9R Are Back To School For Summer 2

9R returned refreshed and ready to learn after the half term break.

We have practised our measuring skills in maths by making our own potions and then using a funnel and measuring cylinders, we had to give our potions a name, choose ingredients and say what our potion did. 

We celebrated Mrs…

14 May

Mental health awareness week in 10G!


Well done 10G what a super week you have all had. This week we have been looking at how we can take care of our mind/mental health. We talked about the fact that to keep our bodies healthy we have to also keep our minds healthy. We practised meditation, yoga and had a hot drink and chat about…

19 Apr

10G’s brilliantly busy week!


10G have had a super start to the summer term. They were all very happy to be back together again and enjoyed telling each other about what they had been up to over the Easter holidays. They enjoyed starting to learn how to play rounders in PE, learning about 2D and 3D shapes and…

16 Apr

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A

Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday. 

In My…

20 Mar

Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!

Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…

12 Mar

10G are reunited at last!

10G have reunited after three long months apart. We have all really enjoyed being back together again and getting to learn lots of fun new things as a class. We have had a busy first week back. On Monday we completed a workout and a yoga session to help us to stay active. We have also been…

12 Mar

7A are all back together

7A have loved being back together this week. What fun we have had!

On Monday, we spent the day rebuilding our relationships and defamiliarising ourselves with the school routine and expectations. 

On Tuesday, we began refocusing on our number skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving and…

5 Mar

10Gs final week at home

10G have had another busy week. We enjoyed learning a new story all about going to space on our TEAMS call and answering questions about it. We then got to tell each other all about what we had been up to at the weekend which was lots of fun. On Wednesday on our TEAMS call we looked at the posters…