4 Feb

A message from 8A…

This term our theme is “Our Planet”. In our My Community lessons we have been thinking about our local environment and some of us have been out in the local community litter picking. We have been shocked at the amount of litter we have found over the past few weeks in Chorley Town Centre and at…

17 Dec

11Gs Alpaca Experience

On Thursday the 16th of December 11G were lucky enough to get to meet the Alpacas that came to visit Astley Park School. We got to stroke them, walk them around the school hall and feed them. We found it quite ticklish when they ate their food out of our hands but managed to stay very still. We…

16 Dec

Simply having a wonderful Christmas time in 8A

Wow we have had another fun filled day in 8A! This morning we were visited by some alpacas and then we enjoyed a festive games afternoon. We played a snowman beetle run, Christmas bingo, Christmas charades and pin the nose on Rudolph. We all took turns and had lots of fun. 

Tomorrow we have…

19 Nov

10G Friendship Fun Week

Friendship Fun in 10G 

Today we focused on one of our school values - Kindness.

At breaktime Miss Linde had her kindness spotters out and was looking for those learners in 10G that are kind to their friends by playing with them, including them and having fun with them. 

We played lots of…

19 Nov

11R - One kind word, good CLEAN fun making soap and a birthday boy.

Another busy week in 11R. With this week being friendship week, we started off with odd sock day on Monday. The students have spent time this week thinking about this year's friendship week theme "one kind word." We spent time discussing the difference between bullying and banter with staff and…

20 Oct

8A Zones of Regulation

8A have been learning all about Zones of Regulation this half term. We can now recognise which zones we are in at different times of the day. Last week we took part in a circle time activity to think about strategies that will help us return to the green zone from different zones or stay in the…

8 Oct

What a busy week in 10G

Wow, what a busy week we have had in 10G! 

This week in our P.E lesson we have been practicing our ball skills. To warm up we had to listen carefully to instructions all about changing direction, we did amazing! We all worked incredibly hard and did some super throwing and catching with…

24 Sep

10G Learn about values and decide which are most important to them

As a school community we have been examining our whole school values and deciding which we feel are most important to us. 
All stakeholders have been involved with the learners at the heart of the process.

In 10G we explored what values mean and delved deeper into understanding five values. We…

24 Sep

8A Enjoy Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

We had a wonderful afternoon celebrating Macmillan coffee afternoon. We worked together to get the classroom ready yesterday, decorating cakes and biscuits, hoovering up and making bunting to decorate the room. We then made drinks for our family members and enjoyed a brew and cake with them before…

17 Sep

Willow class explore feelings

This week Willow class have been learning all about our own feelings and our friends’ feelings.

We have been looking at when to ask for help if we feel cross and that sometimes our friends might needs different things- some of us said we want space if we are sad, some of us would want a walk…

17 Sep

11G’s Jeans for Gene’s Day!


Today 11G have been learning all about what jeans for genes day is, why we celebrate it and we learnt some facts another different genetic conditions. We learnt that the money we contributed went to help support children and families with different genetic conditions. We all designed our…

17 Sep

10G Show off their Skills

Another successful week in 10G.

This week has been very busy with PE, Maths and Science assessments. Everyone has worked very hard and had lots of fun showing the teachers their skills and knowledge. 

We have also been continuing our Zones work and finding out what makes us all feel…