24 Jun

Lancashire Careers Hub Conference 2022 #inspiringlancashire @InspiraforLife @LancsSkillsHub

Yesterday, Mrs Linde and I attended the Lancashire Careers Hub Conference at Ewood Park. We attended three workshops - Careers in the Curriculum, Encounters with Employers and Experiences of the Workplace. We were able to share some of the outstanding practice that occurs at school, and we gained…

20 Jun

Rainbow week in Willow class

Willow class had a great time celebrating rainbow week.

We learnt all about what Pride means and who is part of the  LGBTQ+ community, having some really grown up discussions! We talked about how families look different and people might have two mums, two dads, only one parent or live with a…

17 Jun

10G Celebrate Rainbow Week

This week at Astley Park School we have celebrated Rainbow Week, as part of Pride month. We have been talking about how we are all different which makes us all special. We enjoyed learning about families and how they can all be different, but still equally as wonderful. 

As part of the…

17 Jun

A fabulous Rainbow Week in 8A

8A have been joining in with the celebrations around school for Rainbow Week this week.

At the beginning of the week some of our Adventurer learners took part in an Attention Autism session with Mrs Fisher and Miss Berry. We practiced naming the colours and watched Mrs Fisher perform some magic…

27 May

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!

Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

20 May

9G Road safety

During this week 9G have completed activities to improve their road safety skills, this preparation helped them when they went to the shop at the end of the week. We focused on the three main things to remember and the teachers quizzed them throughout the week to see if they remembered - stop,…

13 May

Mental health week in 11g

11g have had a fantastic week looking at our own mental health. We have been outside getting lots of fresh air, riding bikes. We helped out keeping our school clean and tidy. We where give a box of chocolate in appreciation for helping out. Which did our mental health the world of good…

13 May

9R First Aid

As part of Personal, Social Development and Life Skills, 9R spent a lesson learning about First Aid and in particular how to place a casualty in the correct recovery position.

Mrs Lea showed the class her First Aid uniform that she wears when doing voluntary work outside of school and then she…

22 Apr

Fun in the sun continues for Dodd Group

Dodd Group had a fabulous second day at Calvert Trust after a good nights sleep. 

We had a yummy breakfast and then went up Dodd mountain to complete some challenges such as a scavenger hunt and a photo challenge. We worked together really well and had great fun exploring the woods. We…

31 Mar

An egg-citing afternoon in 8A!

This half term for Me and My Body, we have been doing Outdoor Adventurous Activities. We have practiced our team work skills and learnt that good teamwork means good talking and good listening to each other. We have practiced this through lots of games and some of us have also worked on our…

25 Mar

Epilepsy Awareness Day in 8A

Today 8A have been learning about epilepsy. We learnt what tonic/clinic seizures, absence seizures and focal seizures look like and talked about how we can help people who are experiencing seizures. We took part in a short first aid session where we learnt how we can keep somebody safe if they…

8 Feb

Safer internet day in Willow Class

Today willow class have been learning about staying safe and kind on the internet for internet safety day!

We looked at how we can make kind choices on the internet to keep the internet a happy place and what to do if we see something unkind. We had a go at looking at all the things we can do…