Willow class go green
This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.
We have had some great discussions about what…

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.
A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!
Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

11Gs Alpaca Experience
On Thursday the 16th of December 11G were lucky enough to get to meet the Alpacas that came to visit Astley Park School. We got to stroke them, walk them around the school hall and feed them. We found it quite ticklish when they ate their food out of our hands but managed to stay very still. We…

Solar System Superstars in 8A
This term in My Communication we have been learning all about space as part of our Bright Sparks theme. In Autumn 1 we focussed on the Hidden Figures and NASA, and in Autumn 2 we have been focusing on finding out more about the planets. We have learnt that the planets in our solar system orbit the…
11R - One kind word, good CLEAN fun making soap and a birthday boy.
Another busy week in 11R. With this week being friendship week, we started off with odd sock day on Monday. The students have spent time this week thinking about this year's friendship week theme "one kind word." We spent time discussing the difference between bullying and banter with staff and…

Willow Class remember remember the fifth of November!
Willow class have worked hard this week looking at our safety skills coming up to Bonfire night to stay safe at Bonfires and around fireworks. Earlier in the week we looked at the history behind bonfire night and the story of Guy Fawkes along with finding out how exactly fireworks work and how…

10G Show off their Skills
Another successful week in 10G.
This week has been very busy with PE, Maths and Science assessments. Everyone has worked very hard and had lots of fun showing the teachers their skills and knowledge.
We have also been continuing our Zones work and finding out what makes us all feel…

Fun in 10G this week
Wow what a week we’ve had!
Lots of work- measuring in maths- we have listened to stories, and had a go at finishing sentences, and creating our own stories in English.
In ICT we discussed online safety and looked at our school ‘whisper’ which is accessed through our school website.

9R Spend Another Week At Hogwarts
Herbology this week with Professor Clarke was all about flowers. We had 3 different flowers, red tulips, white chrysanthemums and yellow alstroemerias. Some of the learners labelled them, some had to research what job the parts did and others matching the flower parts to the job they did.

Astley park enjoys Earth day
Thursday 22nd April was Earth day so Astley Park school celebrated in style!
The children learnt about ways in which we can look after our planet, making artwork and posters to inspire others to keep our world clean and look after it.
Please have a look through a selection of fantastic work…

10G Earth Enthusiasts!
10G had lots of fun yesterday celebrating World Earth Day. We talked about what we thought World Earth Day first and thought it was something about making good choices with the Earth. Then Miss Robertson read to us and talked to us all about what World Earth Day was. We found out that it has…

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A
Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday.
In My…