19 Mar

8G are out of this world!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1........Blast off!!!!

8G did the most amazing science experiment yet, when they made rockets which, after a few false starts, our rockets actually took off towards space. We were all so excited, as we watched from the safety of the forest school area (where Mr…

12 Mar

10G are reunited at last!

10G have reunited after three long months apart. We have all really enjoyed being back together again and getting to learn lots of fun new things as a class. We have had a busy first week back. On Monday we completed a workout and a yoga session to help us to stay active. We have also been…

12 Mar

10R make windsocks

As part of our science work on forces 10R have been making windsocks to help us look at the force of the wind and how we can tell which direction it is blowing.  We used our measuring and fine motor skills to help us follow the instructions.  Unfortunately we were so busy making our windsocks that…

5 Mar

Lights, Camera, Action in 7A!

7A have had a very busy week! We have been working hard and we are so excited to have everybody back in school next week.

In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, as well as engaging in…

26 Feb

One week closer to us all being together again 10G!

Wow 10G, what a great week you have had. You have all been working really hard this week and Miss Robertson, Mrs McShane and Mrs Jones are all very proud of you all. You have all been super busy learning all about the LGBTQ community and all about different families, same love. We all read a story…

12 Feb

10G smashed another lockdown!

Wow 10G. We made it to half term. We have all been learning from home this half term. It has been very strange but we have enjoyed still being able to see each other four days a week on our TEAMS calls and understand that we need to stay safe at home. We have all had another busy week this week.…

5 Feb

A wonderful week 5 in 7A

7A have been working hard today this week. 

On Monday in school we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher and then went on a materials hunt outside in the afternoon. 

On Wednesday we continued to work on our number skills and then in the afternoon continued to learn about the…

29 Jan

Willow class go wild!

This week Willow class have loved looking at more animals.. wild ones this time! We have enjoyed learning about all different animals that we might find in a zoo then finding out important facts like what habitats the zoos need to build for them and how they survive. We practiced our spellings,…

29 Jan

Week 3 of our 6 Star Challenge Superstars

Wow. What superstars you all are. We have had another amazing week of lots of you doing the 6 Star Challenge. You all did amazing with ski jumps, drinking lots of water, brushing and mopping your floors at home, finding heavy and light objects around the house, reading and writing or drawing your…

29 Jan

10G’s Wonderful Work!

10G have had another great week working from home. We have got to see each other lots this week on all of our TEAMS calls and did a fantastic job with working out what items roll, slide, bounce or don’t do any of the options during our science experiment. We also had a great time with Mr Murphy…

15 Jan

10G make learning from home fun!

10G have had a very busy week learning from home. On Monday we all got to see each other on TEAMS and took part in morning group, telling one another our weekend news, what we did over Christmas and New Year and reading from our new story. On Wednesday we all took part in our online science lesson…

4 Dec

10G’s week of fun, 30th November!

10G have had another very busy week. This week we enjoyed watching Miss Bamber and Mrs Lilley feed and burp their beautiful babies and we asked them lots of questions about how to feed their baby. Then we got to talk to Mrs Bigio all about how she keeps her beautiful daughter clean and we got to…