Science Week in Oak
This week Oak have Class have been exploring ‘Connections’ as part of British Science Week.
The topic was introduced through song and ‘magic milk’ attention autism.
Pupils followed in task schedule instructions to create apple bird feeders before helping Miss Beck hang them in the tree…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science - Rowan Class
We had lots of fun exploring different science experiments today!
We used pipettes to mix colours, made fizzy explosions with vinegar, washing up liquid and baking powder and then went outside to make cola rockets!
We look forward to exploring other areas of science in future.
Well done…

International Day of Girls and Women in Science - Willow Class
Today Willow Class listened to the story “Hidden Figures” to celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science. We had a fantastic discussion about equality and some of us decided we would love to be astronauts! We all agreed that the Hidden Figures did a super job at ensuring planes and…

International day of girls and women in Science, Oak Class Experiment!
We have today celebrated girls and women of Science by carrying out our own experiment! During attention autism, Miss Howarth modelled the reaction of mentos in Cola. Pupils looked on in awe. Pupils then took turns adding mentos, the fountains produced were amazing! Pupils engaged in the activity…

8P investigate tooth decay
As part of our Brilliant Bodies topic, 8P have been learning about how to look after our teeth and avoid tooth decay. We used the Human Body app to digitally explore the effects of different foods and drinks on teeth. Using the app we found that we could use the toothbrush to brush away food and…

9A Spring 1 W2 - Brilliant Bodies
In our My Communication and The World about Me lesson today, 9A learnt about the different basic body parts as well as the organs and some pupils even went on to learning about the bones as an extra challenge!
They really enjoyed this lesson and learnt lots about what’s inside their…

Nurse Amy visits Willow and Sycamore!
As part of our theme, “Emergency! Emergency!”, Nurse Amy, who is our class governor in Willow Class, came to see us today to tell us all about the job of a nurse. Some of Sycamore Class joined us to find out about the job of a nurse too.
Before Nurse Amy arrived, we thought about questions…

Bonfire Night Safety in Sycamore
This half term, Mrs Crouch will be teaching The World About Me in Sycamore Class on Thursday mornings. As part of the class theme, All Around The World, we will be learning all about festivals. Today we learnt about how to keep safe on Bonfire Night.
One group worked with Mr Flavell in the…

Miss Price’s last day and a musical party to end our DT topic
Willow class have had a busy few weeks!
We have been on community visits, worked on our functional maths skills looking at time, worked on our social skills and phonic skills, baked some amazing recipes, enjoyed team games in PE, learnt about our emotions and regulation states, learnt about…

Willow class on Safari!
For our end of year treat Willow class went on Safari on Thursday!
We enjoyed the Safari drive to spot the animals and use our maps to predict what was coming next, Looking at where the animals would live in the wild.
Next we enjoyed watching the sea lion show. Willow class loved when the sea…

Willow class cook safely with heat!
This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.
This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and…

Willow class explore our local environment
This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test!