Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!
Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…
Macmillan Coffee Morning in Oak Class
Oak class had a Cake-tacular time during our Macmillan coffee morning. We had a special visit from very special Mummies and Daddy's who enjoyed having cake and a brew with us to celebrate the occasion.
Throughout the day we did lots of fun cake themed activities, to start us off Miss Melling…
Jeans for Genes 2021
On Friday we all celebrated Jeans for Genes Day by wearing our jeans or own clothes and raised over £100 for charity!
We learned that everybody is unique through a range of different activities. Some classes took part in sensory stories and learned that we are all different and different is…
11R Connect with Themselves, Each Other and Nature
11R fully engaged in all activities over the week. We examined what mental health was and addressed any misconceptions. We spent time looking at fixed and growth mindsets and what it looked/felt like for others as well as ourselves. We discussed scenarios of when we had used our growth mindset and…
Food, Glorious Food - 7R
Welcome back and a Happy New Year!
7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food".
Communication, Language and Literacy
In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…