13 Jul

Welcome to the Circus!

What a fantastic day for 9G, 8A and 7P at Blackpool Circus.  

We were lucky enough to get a late booking and had the whole circus to ourselves! 

The show was amazing. Everyone had a great time watching the different acts and joining in with some cheering and clapping too. We got to see many…

8 Jul

You’ve Got a Friend in 9G!

9G have been very busy putting their social skills to the test!

They have been thinking carefully about the skills they use and how to react in different situations when with their friends.

9G have had a big focus on being a kind friend and spoke about what being ‘kind’ means. They decided…

30 Jun

Welcome to the 9G Show!

This term 9G have been learning about the Circus. 

In My Communication we explored a circus sensory story before being set the challenge to write our own circus story to perform to 8A! 9G worked together to write a class story, sharing ideas and carefully thinking of roles for everyone. We had…

8 Jul

Sycamore share ‘The Snail and The Whale’


Sycamore have had a wonderful afternoon sharing their learning from the summer term and would like to thank the family members who were able to join us today for our Sharing our Learning event. 


We shared a video of all our hard work on the story of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ and…

13 May

Mental Health Awareness Week in Sycamore!

Sycamore have been exploring activities this week to help them think about their feelings and the choices that they make. 


We have been enjoying circle times and talking about feelings and what makes us ‘happy’ or ‘sad’. We have also been talking about what we can do to make us happy and…

13 May

Sycamore Celebrate Eid!

This week Sycamore have been busy learning new facts about ‘Islam’ and the festival of ‘Eid’.


We have been learning that;

  • Islam is a religion.
  • Muslims are people who follow Islam.
  • Eid is a Muslim festival, celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
  • Ramadan is when grown up Muslims do…
30 Apr

Sycamore Wear Red!

Today we have been celebrating our differences in Sycamore for our ‘Astley Park Wears Red’ day.

Sycamore enjoyed a morning of activities including, circle time and portrait crafts. 

During our circle time we had a talk about why we are wearing red - Sycamore were great at sharing their ideas…

19 Mar

Red Nose Day in Sycamore!

Today Sycamore Class have enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day! 

In class we have our very own Red Nose Day competition; creating and designing a red nose just for us. We were challenged to use different colours, drawings, patterns and to be as neat as we could. To make our challenge even harder…

26 Jan

Happy Birthday Sian!

Today is Sian’s birthday.

Sycamore have had lots of fun helping Sian celebrate her special day. This afternoon we have enjoyed dancing, games and yummy chocolate cakes for snack. 

I am sure all of Sian’s friends at home will join us in wishing her a very special and very happy…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge

We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.


This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

11 Dec

Sycamore Share Their Learning...

This morning some of our families joined us on Microsoft Teams for our Share our Learning event.

We enjoyed sharing a Christmas Quiz! 

Sycamore worked in 3 small teams and worked together to think about the questions and write out the answers. 

Great work everybody!

11 Dec

Christmas Party Lunch in Sycamore!

On Thursday we all enjoyed a very yummy and very special McDonalds treat for our lunch. 

We all chose our own dinner and sat with our friends, talking more about Christmas and the toys that came in our happy meals!