19 Oct

11G Week 7 Autumn Term

Happy half term! 
Homework: please see reading packs for homework instructions.

On Monday our leaver’s hoodies had arrived in school! We were all very excited to give them out 
between our class and 11R. We hope everyone is happy with them, everyone looks so smart in them!
In the…

18 Oct

Key Stage 4 Duke of Edinburgh Training Day

Today in Key Stage 4 we have held our training day in preparation of our Bendrigg Trust visit in November. Throughout the day we’ve had a carousel of activities that all classes have taken part in. These have been:

First Aid with Mrs Jones who very kindly talked us through lots of useful…

6 Oct

11G Autumn Week 5 and Ty's last week at school

Hi all, it has been an emotional week this week with it being Ty’s last week at Astley Park. Please chat with your child about their feelings around the events that have happened these last few weeks and if there are any issues let Mrs Fisher know.

Every day we have continued reading with every…

29 Sep

11G Autumn Week 4 2023

Apologies to everyone for the lack of blog last week. 11G’s curriculum newsletter was sent out last week, either via email or a paper copy. Please read and familiarise yourself with the things we will be doing this half term.

A massive plea, please can everyone try and take at least one…

15 Sep

11G Week 2 Autumn Term

We have had a busy second week back this week and hope everyone is ready to ramp things up again next week as we properly get back into our full timetable of lessons!

On Monday morning we voted for our new class councillors. Clayton volunteered to be deputy and Lily and Katie both volunteered…

8 Sep

Welcome back to 11G!

We have loved having everyone back in school with us this week. It has been extra special as this will be the last ever first week back at Astley Park School for all our 11G learners! We are all so excited for the year ahead. Apologies for the lack of photographs, we are still getting back into…

21 Jul

10G Last Day of Term!

We have had the best last day of the year in 10G today! We started the morning going against everything that we have been learning in our Healthy Living module by eating cheesecake (courtesy of Miss Greenwood) for breakfast! We enjoyed a good chat with each other about our plans for the holidays…

14 Jul

10G Summer Week 12- One more week to go!

Here is our penultimate blog from 10G 22/23. It's been a busy busy week, think we are all ready for a rest!


The weather forecast for this week looked very wet so we made the decision to all go shopping together on Monday morning whilst it was dry enough to walk. It was really nice to all…

7 Jul

10G Park Visit July 2023

On Wednesday morning we went swimming at Hindley swimming pool as usual, then the plan was to drive to Haigh Hall Woodland Park to eat packed lunches and then play on the park. Unfortunately, once we had eaten our packed lunches at Haigh Hall we had to return to school. We had a minibus full of…

30 Jun

Splish Splash, 10G were having a laugh (at Happy Mount Park)

On Wednesday, 10G boarded the school minibus and Mrs Cobham drove us all the way up the M6 to Happy Mount Park in Morecambe. The weather was grey and miserable, but that didn't stop us from having lots of fun. The man from the council was waiting patiently for us at the gate for the splash park…

23 Jun

10G Sports Week Summer Term

10G have had such a fantastic Sports Week in school this week, despite the sporadic weather changes! This has fit in nicely with our Healthy Living theme and it has helped give us some new ideas of exercise that we would like to try.

On Monday morning, we all took part in some Multisports…

16 Jun

Rainbow Week in 10G (Summer Week 8)

Wow it has been another scorcher of a week in school this week! Because of this, we have taken the pressure off with our daily step target and have accepted however many steps everyone has done by the end of the day. We have talked lots about the importance of resting when the weather is so hot,…