12 May

10G Share their Learning with Parents and Week 4 Summer Term

A very big thank you to everyone who made it to our Sharing Our Learning session on Tuesday this week. We hope you all had a brilliant time with us. The afternoon featured a mixture of activities: cooking and art. For our cooking session, pupils were given the task of making pizza for their…

27 Apr

10G Summer Week 2

A short and sweet week this week in 10G, but we have still managed to get plenty done!

On Monday, we were all given our smart watches to wear when we are in school. This means that we can keep track of our steps every day. Our step target for Monday was 5000 steps before we leave school to come…

23 Apr

10G are straight back to work Summer Week 1

A very big welcome back to all in 10G this week, we hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break and is raring to get going for our last term in 10G! Looking back at the photos for this week, I can’t actually believe how much we seem to have crammed into one week.

On Monday morning, everyone was…

2 Apr

Happy Easter from 10G! Spring Week 12

Happy Easter holidays to everyone! I think I can speak for all of the staff in 10G when I say we are all ready for a break, we are the sure the pupils are too. Another crazily busy week this week…

On Monday, it was our last swimming session before Easter. We have found out that we will be…

24 Mar

10G Spring Week 11 with visit to Runshaw College

Good afternoon and a very happy Friday to you all! It has been another crazy week in 10G, I am beginning to think that every week is a bit crazy in 10G at the moment!

On Monday morning we had a bit of a dilemma with the minibuses and unfortunately, we were told that 10G couldn’t go to the…

17 Mar

10G Spring Week 10

What a strange week it has been this week with only being in for 3 days! Apologies for the lack of photos.

On Monday we went swimming again at Hindley swimming pool. We are getting into a good routine with swimming now and we are very proud of the distance that pupils are covering with their…

10 Mar

10G Spring Week 9 and Holi Festival

It’s Friday again! Don’t these week’s go by quickly?

On Monday we were swimming again at Hindley pool. Some of us were swimming in the shallow end and having a go at lifting up our feet to kick, rather than walking through the water. Some of us managed to swim nearly a full length without…

24 Feb

10G Welcome Back after Half Term!

Happy Friday to you all at the end of our first week back in school for Spring 2 half term. We feel like this week has flown and like we’ve never been away!

On Monday we were back at swimming for the first time since before Christmas. We are still going to Hindley Swimming Pool in Wigan for our…

11 Feb

10G Happy Half Term!

This week has been jam packed with it being Children’s Mental Health Week as well as Safer Internet Day on Tuesday as well. Think we’ve all worked so hard that we deserve a week off now!

On Monday, Group 1 went shopping with Mrs Cobham and Miss Holliday. Back in class we were continuing our…

3 Feb

10G Week 5 Spring Term

What a busy week we seem to have had in 10G this week! We have welcome Miss Greenwood into the 10G family and she has been a brilliant fit to our team. Miss Patterson is having lots of fun down in Oak class too.

On Monday morning, Group 1 went shopping to Asda with Mrs Fisher and Miss…

28 Jan

10G Celebrate Chinese New Year (plus the rest of Spring term Week 4)

Hello everyone, I have to say that this week has just been “one of those weeks”. You know the ones where everything seems to go to pot or go wrong?! But hey ho, we have made it to the end in one piece!

On Monday morning, we learnt one of our signs of the week was “Year of the Rabbit”, as it…

20 Jan

10G World Religion Week 2023

Wow this week has gone by in the blink of an eye and we are now half way through this half term already!

It has been World Religion Week in school this week so we have been taking part in different activities that are Jewish themed. On Friday last week we were very lucky to have Amy come into…