4 Nov

Celebrating Diwali in 7A 2021

7A have had a very busy week learning all about Diwali. 
The children have been amazing this week asking lots of questions and showing lots of interest learning about Diwali ‘the festival of light’ . 
We have read the story or Rama and Sita and answered questions to show our understanding of…

10 Sep

7A have an explosive first week back !

7 A have enjoyed lots of fun on their first week back to school. 

We have looked at places around the world and enjoyed doing some research on the class iPads to find out what animals live in these areas of the world . 
On Thursday we had a little art competition going between Mr Frawley…

2 Jul

Willow class road safety walk to Astley Park

On Wednesday Willow class were lucky enough to go on heir first trip this year. We practiced our road safety skills walking to Astley Park and then enjoyed playing on the park. 

Please enjoy having a look through our photos ! 
We had so much fun and can’t wait for the next trip out !! 

25 Jun

Willow Class do Sports Week

Willow class have really enjoyed getting moving this week and have really showed off their sports abilities ! 

To start sports week on Monday we joined Mrs McDonnell on teams for a sports week warm up routine! We talked about sports week and how it is Astley Park’s version of the olympics.…

18 Jun

Italy day- The Mona Lisa in willow class

Today in Willow class we have been learning about The Mona Lisa . 

We learned lots of interesting facts about where the painting came from, what events have happened surrounding the Mona Lisa and practised lots of fun Italian words. 

The children listened really well and even had a go…

18 Jun

Sonny’s Birthday


Sonny brought in some lovely treats and party bags to share his birthday fun with all of his Willow class friends. 

Sonny celebrated his birthday in willow class yesterday . We all had a lovely time playing pass the parcel and played lots of dancing games. 


16 Jul

Chestnuts Being Creative and Learning About Insects

What a brilliant last week we have had in Chestnut Class. We have enjoyed our daily relaxation and sensory walks looking for mini beasts as we explore the great outdoors. We had great fun during our play-dough gym sessions making a wiggly worm short and long, and bugs big and small, we especially…

10 Jul

Chestnut Class Explore Mini Beasts

This week in Chestnut Class we have been very busy exploring different kinds of mini beasts. We have done some amazing bug counting and trying to find different mini beasts around the classroom. 

We listened to a very exciting story called 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and Mrs James brought…

26 Jun

Sports week in Chestnut Class

This week in chestnut class we have been celebrating sports week and getting busy using our bodies. 
On Monday we practiced our ball skills , the children did some super throwing , rolling , catching and hitting a ball.  We used our fine motor skills and enjoyed cutting up some vegetables. 


19 Jun

A zoo’s life in Chestnut class- in school learning

Chestnut class have been so busy this week in school getting creative and learning all about different animals that live at the zoo.
We all loved exploring different patterns, matching animal prints and creating snakes from colourful patterns.

Mrs Worthington read the story 'Dear…

12 Jun

Chestnut Class on the Farm, in school learning

This week in chestnut class we have been exploring and learning all about farm animals. 
The children have enjoyed joining in with lots of Attention Autism activities. We have had fun singing songs and exploring foods that are grown on the farm. We did some vegetable counting and sorting, each…