11 Mar

7a go outdoors , PE with a difference !

This week in 7a we have enjoyed orienteering in PE. The children have shown great listening and communication skills in this terms PE with a difference. They have been working in groups independently to explore the grounds of school to find multiple musical instruments hidden around the forest and…

4 Mar

A week with World book day in 7 a !

A very busy week in 7a ! 
In maths this week we have been exploring measurement. We used a ruler to measure our friends hands. We needed to think about where the ruler needs to be placed and from which number we start the measurement from. 
We prompted the children to start at 0 at the bottom of…

25 Feb

Fantastic first week back in 7a !!

This week the children have returned and given us some amazing maths and English work. 
pin maths this week we have been looking at measurement . The children have used different tools and ways to measure different objects around the room ….. including our FRIENDS !!!! The children then looked at…

11 Feb

7 a jump into maths , ready to roll in to half term !

This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have…

3 Feb

Up up and away with 7a !

This week in 7 a all the children have worked really hard . We have seen lots of progression in both English and maths . 
In English the children have watched parts of the film UP ! We used this as a starting point to work on predictions from last week . They was able to create their own…

28 Jan

7a Gelli bath maths and a birthday party !!

This week 7 a have explored maths through sensory exploration in gelli bath . They searched for numicon to use as visual supports for simple addition questions. The children worked really well together then worked independently and in small groups . 

In English this week the children have…

21 Jan

A productive week in 7A !

This week has been a little different in 7A , but that didn’t stop them . 
This week we have engaged in lots of fun activities and even had a go at some challenges . 

We have enjoyed some leaping and landing gymnastics in PE . Some of this felt a little but scary for some children on the…

4 Nov

Celebrating Diwali in 7A 2021

7A have had a very busy week learning all about Diwali. 
The children have been amazing this week asking lots of questions and showing lots of interest learning about Diwali ‘the festival of light’ . 
We have read the story or Rama and Sita and answered questions to show our understanding of…

10 Sep

7A have an explosive first week back !

7 A have enjoyed lots of fun on their first week back to school. 

We have looked at places around the world and enjoyed doing some research on the class iPads to find out what animals live in these areas of the world . 
On Thursday we had a little art competition going between Mr Frawley…

2 Jul

Willow class road safety walk to Astley Park

On Wednesday Willow class were lucky enough to go on heir first trip this year. We practiced our road safety skills walking to Astley Park and then enjoyed playing on the park. 

Please enjoy having a look through our photos ! 
We had so much fun and can’t wait for the next trip out !! 

25 Jun

Willow Class do Sports Week

Willow class have really enjoyed getting moving this week and have really showed off their sports abilities ! 

To start sports week on Monday we joined Mrs McDonnell on teams for a sports week warm up routine! We talked about sports week and how it is Astley Park’s version of the olympics.…

18 Jun

Italy day- The Mona Lisa in willow class

Today in Willow class we have been learning about The Mona Lisa . 

We learned lots of interesting facts about where the painting came from, what events have happened surrounding the Mona Lisa and practised lots of fun Italian words. 

The children listened really well and even had a go…