9G Reunite
It has been such a great week having all of 9G back together finally!
Everyone has done so well, settling back into the routine and getting back into the swing of the classroom.
This week we have focused on remembering our routines, playing with our friends, and getting back into the swing…

More Tanks and Trenches
On Thursday we had a great afternoon making Anderson Shelters. We worked in pairs to design our shelter and garden.
We enjoyed learning about these shelters.
We have started “Goodnight Mr Tom” as our class read which is about a little boy called William who is evacuated to live with a man…

Willow class celebrate the special women in our families for Mother’s Day
What a week for Willow Class! It has been so lovely to have all children back together again and seeing excited faces coming through the door.
Everyone has worked so hard this week in all lessons and we are so impressed with what kind friends Willow class have been supporting their peers back…

Sycamore all back together!
It has been a very busy week here in Sycamore!
We have loved seeing all our friends and hearing what they have been up to while they have been at home.
This week we have been looking at the story of the little red hen. We loved the story, asking lots of questions and making…

All Together Now in Oak Class
Oak class have all reunited this week and we’ve had so much fun seeing all of our friends in school again!
Although some of us were a bit nervous to come back into school, we have had such a good time in our new outside area and have been very busy again. We sang Five Little Speckled…

Rowan class all back together
Rowan have had another busy week!
We have really enjoyed having all our friends back in Rowan class this week.
On Monday we started our new story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and we have been working on our sentences using colourful semantics and writing some super sentences and also sequencing…

8G Avengers Assemble! All our superhero’s back together
What an exciting week we’ve had in 8G.
The first excitement was when our friends, who have been learning from home, returned to school on Monday. It was fantastic to see Eshan, Tyler, Jacob and Harry back in our classroom - we can’t believe how much they’ve all grown though.

Beech Class Mother’s Day crafts
We have made some lovely Mother’s Day cards and biscuits for all our super mummy’s this week. We hope you like them!
Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Miss Holden, Ms Goonan

Beech class Jack and the Beanstalk week
This week Beech class have looked at Jack and the beanstalk. We have explored lots of sensory trays; beans, green spaghetti, oats and dry spaghetti. We explored with paint in our wellies and created a giant bean stalk. We enjoyed exploring the characters from Jack and the beanstalk too. Well done…

9R Assemble
Welcome back 9R!! It is so lovely to have you all back in class and you have settled amazingly well back into school life. Here is what the class have said about being reunited with each other...
Rebecca - I’m happy to see all of my friends and play with them.
Thomas- I have missed all…

Willow’s world book day
World book day in Willow class!
Willow class enjoyed celebrating world book day both in school and from home this year.
The children in school talked about our favourite books and how they made us feel when we read them. We told our friends what they are about so that our friends could…

How do we fit it all in? Another week of fun and learning in 8G
What a crazy and fun week we’ve had in 8G this week.
The pupils in school and at home have been working hard across all our topics and subjects.
This has seen us practice our science and enquiry skills, explore the world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on World Book Day, live stream our…