8Rs busy week and world book day!
8R have had such a busy week this week!
We started our week by looking at why St David’s day is celebrated and thinking about the first day of spring. As you can see in our photos we did some wonderful art work, even Miss Brophy gave it a go.
And Mrs Devlin surprised us all with a lovely…

11G Super week 5/3/21
Another super week for 11G ,learning lots and also taking part in lots of fun activities.
We have done lots of maths work, concentrating on number work and also looking at time and how it affects our daily lives. During these lessons we spent time looking at interactive clocks and using them…

10Gs final week at home
10G have had another busy week. We enjoyed learning a new story all about going to space on our TEAMS call and answering questions about it. We then got to tell each other all about what we had been up to at the weekend which was lots of fun. On Wednesday on our TEAMS call we looked at the posters…

SHAZAM! 11R are all Superheroes
This week in 11R the focus has been on world book day. On Thursday we celebrated by having both pupils and staff come to school dressed as their favourite book characters. In the morning we enjoyed designing our own superheroes and creating their story by making comic strips. All our superhero’s…
World Book Day in 9G
It has been another super busy week in 9G. We have been celebrating World Book Day, and continuing very hard with our shape, number and sight reading work. As well as this we have completed some Monster's Inc ICT work for Mr Murphy! You can also see that our learners at home have been busy working…

Lights, Camera, Action in 7A!
7A have had a very busy week! We have been working hard and we are so excited to have everybody back in school next week.
In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week we have been learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, as well as engaging in…

SHAZAM! 11R are all
This week in 11R the focus has been on world book day. On Thursday we celebrated by having both pupils and staff come to school dressed as their favourite book characters. In the morning we enjoyed designing our own superheroes and creating their story by making comic strips. All our superhero’s…

Maple Class - World Book Day
Although we were all at home this week, Maple Class were still able to celebrate World Book Day with a very special Teams Meeting. We all dressed up and enjoyed showing our friends our costumes: Scarlett was Princess Poppy, Lottie was a fireman and Harry was Andy from Cbeebies! We all looked…

9R Soon to be Friends Reunited
We had a great teams call on Tuesday - Sam, Faith, Sarah and Thomas joined us. We talked about our favourite books and Mrs Cobham read us two stories.
We each talked about our favourite book - Faith likes the Dinosaur that pooped a princess, Sam said he liked reading about Everton football…
World Book Day in Chestnut Class
This Week, Chestnut Class have continued to look at the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.
We have enjoyed listening to the story, trying some of the food that the caterpillar ate, exploring different leaves and herbs in our tuff tray, and making some super caterpillar crafts!!
On Thursday…

Oak Class celebrate World Book Day
Oak class have been superheroes this week! We have had so much fun in forest school, on the climbing frame and of course, in our classroom where we explored our chosen book - Supertato.
For World Book Day, we practiced making prints with potatoes, made our own Supertatos and dressed up as…

Beech class world book day -The very hungry caterpillar
Today Beech class celebrated world book day. We chose to look at The very hungry caterpillar book. We had some lovely sensory trays that we enjoyed playing in including flour, fruit tasting, gloop and playdoh. We made our own “that’s not my caterpillar “ pages using different textures underneath…