Spring Term Week 4 in 7A
Hi all,
We’ve had another fun filled week in 7A this week.
We started the week with Mrs Fisher and our maths lesson, we all started the lesson by playing a game of bingo using numbers to 15 all the children chose 3 numbers they wanted and wrote them on a white board before playing…

Oak Get Messy!
Oak Class have been very busy and very messy this week! Thank you to all of the parents for sending spare clothes in, please continue to send those in so we can carry on having the fun that we've had this week!
Isla and Harvey have been exploring animals in the edible mud that Miss…

Week 3 of our 6 Star Challenge Superstars
Wow. What superstars you all are. We have had another amazing week of lots of you doing the 6 Star Challenge. You all did amazing with ski jumps, drinking lots of water, brushing and mopping your floors at home, finding heavy and light objects around the house, reading and writing or drawing your…

8R’s busy week 4!
8R have had such a busy week this week, doing lots of learning, lots of teams calls and having lots of fun!
We have been looking at our topic of tanks and trenches this week and have explored the wars in lots of different ways.
We started our week by looking at newspapers and the features we…
9G Let it go!
It has been another fabulous week in 9G and I am so proud of everyone for trying their best both at home and in school.
Let's take a look at what everyone has been up to!
Learners in School
This week we have been busy focusing on our maths and reading. We joined our friends at home for…

9R - More snow, but where did it go?
What a surprise to wake up to on Monday morning - snow!!! At lunchtime Michael and Rebecca had great fun throwing snowballs at each other and at Miss Zara and Mrs Cobham. The snow was still there on Tuesday but we couldn’t have another snowball fight as it was too icy. We’ve been learning…

11R - Clean up the environment
As part of our ASDAN work we have been talking about ways in which we can improve the environment. We decided that it would be a great idea to clean up the wooded area at school. The class discussed what they would like to do with the area and came up with some amazing ideas such as planting…

Happy Birthday to Joseph in Willow class!
This week Willow class has celebrated another birthday- Joseph turned 11!
We celebrated with a party in class playing musical statues, pin the tail on the donkey, pass the parcel and musical chairs! Your teachers spotted that some of you were using the zoo dance moves we had learnt in my…
Little Farmers in Chestnut Class!
It's been another busy week for the Chestnut Class children. Lets see what our home learners have been up to ...
Austin has been developing his fine motor skills doing lots of fun activities, such as playdoh gym.
Bobby has been getting busy in the kitchen baking yummy cakes!!
It has been…

10G’s Wonderful Work!
10G have had another great week working from home. We have got to see each other lots this week on all of our TEAMS calls and did a fantastic job with working out what items roll, slide, bounce or don’t do any of the options during our science experiment. We also had a great time with Mr Murphy…

Another Busy Week in Sycamore!
Another busy week in Sycamore!
We have been completing our 6 star challenges in class and at home so well done everyone! Sian, William and Aidan did really well doing the ski jump challenge it definitely got our heart rates going!
We had a great teams session on Mon with the children…

Beech class farm and snow week
This week Beech class have been learning about the farm. We had lots of sensory play fun with animals and some digging in the soil to find vegetables that grow on the farm.
We had to make the most of the snow and ice too while it was here! We did lots of walking, digging and…