Happy Birthday Oliver!
Tomorrow is Oliver’s birthday..
We hope you have a great day and had lots of fun with Mummy, Daddy and Thomas.
Miss Cross, Miss Woods, Mrs Banks and Mrs Simpson send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, and I am sure your friends do too.
Happy Birthday Oliver!
11G - What have we been up to ? Week 2 Summer 2
Good afternoon everybody,
Its Mr Massey here, fresh from our class Kahoot quiz - Teams meeting. Thank you to all the parents for supporting this activity. I think now we have done it once it will run smoothly going forward. We had a record turnout for this meeting and were joined by Adam,…

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 8)
Hello everyone!
Here we all are again at the end of another week. Can you believe we’ve only got 5 more weeks until the summer holidays?!
You should have all received your activities for this week and next (week 8 and 9) that are all based around the book Green Eggs and Ham. We…
8R Chefs in the Making
This week in Cooking and Nutrition we decided to try an old family recipe of Mrs Devlin's, Caribbean Chicken and Rice. Our 8R chefs worked hard at chopping the tomatoes and onions( despite not liking the fact the onions made some of us cry) before adding the chicken and lots of different…

A zoo’s life in Chestnut class- in school learning
Chestnut class have been so busy this week in school getting creative and learning all about different animals that live at the zoo.
We all loved exploring different patterns, matching animal prints and creating snakes from colourful patterns.
Mrs Worthington read the story 'Dear…
Rowan - What has everyone been up to?
What have Rowan class children been up to?
This week Rowan class had their first Microsoft Teams meeting and we got to say hello to each other. Everyone really enjoyed seeing their class friends and we are going to do it again next week!
Well Rowan let's have a look at what everyone has been…

Sports Week 2020
We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.
What we will be doing
- There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or…
8R Learning Together 19th June 2020
Well hello everyone. What a busy week we have had again. We have embraced the six star challenge again this week. I'm sure lots of grown ups have particularly enjoyed the How Can I Help? part of the challenge as there are lots of pictures of tidy bedrooms. We also had a great quiz on Monday…

Lunchtime Lego Club
Hello everybody and welcome back to our Lego Lunchtime Club.
When we were last in school we had lots of fun making lots of different models with Lego and I have come up with an idea for you to do at home. This week at Astley Park we are thinking about rainbows so I would like to challenge…
Six Star Challenge Week 3
Happy Monday!
Here is this week's 6 star challenge. We'd love to see as many pupils as possible get involved.
Remember if you try all 6 challenges you get a gold award certificate, trying 5 challenges wins you a silver award and you will receive a bronze award for trying 4…

Six Star Challenge Awards Week 2
We have loved looking at the many photographs of our pupils having such fun completing last weeks challenges.
Week 2's Six Star Challenge Champions were:
Gold award - completing an AMAZING 6 stars:
Scarlett - Chesnut
Harvey- Maple
Thomas - 7R
Daisy - 8G
Thomas - 8R
Jessie -…
7G Learning at Home Week 11
Hi Everyone,
Another week of learning from home done. You have all been very busy!
I just wanted to say how lovely it was to see some of you on our video call this week! And well done for taking part in the plank challenge! I will be sending you a special mention!
Congratulations to…