Oak - Rainbow Day 2020
Last Friday, Oak had their belated Rainbow Day and celebrated how we are all different.
First we read the story ‘We Are All Different’. We took turns using mirrors to talk about how we all look and what we had that was the same or different. Oscar told us he had glasses and Tig said he…

Oak Class Feed the Birds!
This week Oak Class have been making bird feeders. On Thursdays Mrs Banks did an attention autism to show us all what we needed to do, she squashed some lard and then sprinkled, squashed and rolled bird seed into it, she then added a string so we could hang them up for the birds to get. Afterwards…

9G’s trip to Blackpool Zoo
9G had a wonderful trip to Blackpool Zoo on Monday. We had a lovely time walking around the zoo in the lovely sunshine. We got to see the monkeys, penguins, goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, lemurs, giraffes, elephants and lots of other animals. We also got to see the sea lion show which we really…
8G Food Technology Week 10- Butterfly Buns
There are not many pupils left in 8G at the moment so we decided to scrap the groups and instead, all bake together for a change. We also got to work with Mrs Carney and Miss Robinson too this afternoon which has been lovely as well. Butterfly buns were on the agenda today.
As always, we made…

7R learn about healthy eating!
7R have spent the afternoon learning about healthy eating. First we watched an information video about different food groups and why they are important for the body. We learnt that diary foods help our teeth and bones stay strong, carbohydrates give us energy, proteins help our muscles repair and…
8G have a lovely lunch at The Astley
As a special treat 8G and 8R went for lunch to The Astley.
We all did lovely talking to our friends and showed The Astley staff what super manners we have!!
We have come away with full tummies and big smiles :-)

We’re all going on a Zoo hunt.
Last week 7G had a great time at the Zoo!
It was a very wet day but we saw lots of different animals! We talked about what animals we could see and if they were doing anything!
We saw elephants being fed branches and apples, giraffes eating straw, a meerkat lying down having a nap…

7G get colourful!
Last week 7G celebrated Holi festival. This is a Hindu festival where the coming of spring is celebrated through lots of colourful activities.
7G chose red as their colour to come into school in. All the children had an item of clothing on that was red.
With Mr Murphy in the morning they all…

Holi art in Willow class
On Monday, Willow class learnt about the Hindu spring festival Holi. We chose blue as our class colour and some children chose to wear this colour to school for the day. Willow class loved the idea of the paint throwing celebrations and made their own powder paint art following an attention autism…

Willow Class goes to Withy Grove Park for a workout!
Last week Willow Class went on a trip to Withy Grove Park to get some fresh air and exercise! Everyone took turns on the equipment so well and helped to push each other on the swings and roundabouts. Some children practiced their climbing skills on the climbing frame while others tried out the…

Happy Holi Day from 10R
Happy Holi Day everybody.
Earlier this week 10R researched and celebrated Holi day.
First of all the class were emailed a task to find out just what Holi day is and why it is celebrated. They then had to decide on activities linked to the celebration before emailing Mr Buckley back with…

A billionaire comes to Blackpool!!!
What a fantastic day!!!
If you have been following our blogs you will know 10R have been studying David Walliams in parts of their English sessions. We have read some of his stories, looked at David himself and even written to him. One of the stories we first read together as a class was…