12 Mar

Oak - World Book Day 2020

What a fantastic day we had celebrating World Book Day. We had a wonderful, busy, fun-filled day!

In Oak we had lots of wonderful characters walk through the door! We had a unicorn, sonic, dinosaurs, Mary Popins, a Cat, a Lion, a Princess, Shine, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Hulk and…

12 Mar

Lunchtime Dance Club

Today was the first "Just Dance" club for years 9-11 at lunchtime.  We warmed up to "Eye of the Tiger" and were very impressed with the pupils boxing moves!  We all had lots of fun dancing to a variety of songs and even found enough energy to sing along.  I think we were all ready for the 2 minute…

11 Mar

11R tackle division

11R have been working hard today solving problems using division. 

We played games and divided our Holi rice we made from previous lessons into equal amounts. 

We discussed practical ways to overcome problems of sums we can’t do mentally or without counters and considered what we would…

11 Mar

9G’s Holi Celebration

9G have had a lovely time celebrating the Holi Festival. It runs from the 9th to the 10th of March. We chose to wear the colour green which is the colour for peace and nature. We had a busy day getting ready to learn using our colourful playdough gym and reading through the story of  Holika and…

11 Mar

Beech - Holi the Festival of Colour - 2020

This week Beech have been exploring Holi the festival of colour with lots of colourful and messy activities. 

10 Mar

10G - Learning how germs spread and handwashing

Today, we recapped last term's learning about the importance of keeping our bodies clean. We took this opportunity to use Attention Autism and green paint, to show how germs can spread. We had fun passing the paint between each other to highlight how easily germs can spread and how it can spread…

9 Mar

7R's Wonderful World Book Day 2020

Last week we had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! We focussed on fables as a class and learnt that fables are stories with a lesson. We read The Tortoise and the Hare with Mr Murphy and The Ant and the Grasshopper with Mrs Crouch. We wrote about the stories, completed a book review of…

9 Mar

7R Celebrate Holi Festival!

Today we have celebrated the Hindu festival of colour in 7R. We read the story of Holika and Prahlad to find out why some Hindus light a bonfire before Holi Festival and then we learnt that Holi marks the beginning of spring and is celebrated with lots of colour! We threw powder paint to create…

9 Mar

Headteacher’s Blog - Secondary Rewards Visit - Escape - Spring Term 1 - 2020

I had the pleasure of taking our Secondary Phase 'Golden Ticket' winners on their reward visit today. 

Pupils enjoyed ten-pin bowling at the new 'Escape' venue in Chorley followed by lunch at McDonalds.

As always; it is such a pleasure to be able to lead these visits and spend some quality…

9 Mar

9G’s afternoon out

9G had a lovely afternoon at Devonshire Road Park. We all helped each other to follow the directions to get to the park and cross the road safely. At the park we played so well together and thoroughly enjoyed playing on the swings, in the sand, on the slide and on the trampoline. We had a great…

9 Mar

Holi Celebrations in 8G

Today in 8G we learnt all about Holi Festival.

We looked at why and how Hindus celebrate the festival and decided it sounded like lots of fun!!!

After we had learnt all about it we had a colour party of our own, just like they do in the carnival of colour.

We used all different techniques…

9 Mar

Monday Lunchtime Lego Club

Today we have started a new lunch time club. Some children are attending a lego club in 8R classroom with Miss O Connell and Mrs Devlin. We played together and made some fantastic models and had some relaxing music in the back ground. Nathan told us " I like making concrete things", Tyler said "I…