Maple Make Penny Spinners
For World History Day, Maple Class looked at the toys children used to play with in the olden days. Maple looked at rocking horses, jack in a boxes and penny spinners. We talked about the toys we like to play with and compared them. We then went to tables and enjoyed making some old toys…

8G Food Technology Week 7- Pancakes (Group 1)
It was our first Cooking and Nutrition session of Spring 2 and we couldn't miss the chance to make pancakes after it was Shrove Tuesday this week!
It was Group 1's turn to cook this week- we are all getting much better at remembering how to set up when we get into the Food Tech room. We wash…
8G End of Week 7 (Spring Term)
Welcome back from what I hope was a lovely half term break!
We’ve hit the ground running this week in 8G, lots of fantastic work has been happening.
On Wednesday morning we took part in our second My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson of the week. This started with a quick game of Numicon…

Embracing pancakes the savoury way
In food technology today we made savoury pancakes.
Pupils researched their recipes in ICT yesterday and sent me shopping for the ingredients. They then followed their plans and instructions from yesterday to make their pancake today.
Then general consensus was they were…

Chorley In Bloom Awards
What a great and successful night we had at the Chorley in Bloom awards!
Pupils were a real credit to themselves and school last night when we attended the annual Chorley in Bloom awards. They sat for a prolonged period of time with no moans or groans and were able to happily accept awards…
Headteacher's Blog - Primary Rewards Trip - Spring Term 1 2020
Primary Phase pupils enjoyed their Spring Term 1 reward visit to Cheeky Monkeys on Wednesday 12th February 2020.
As always, it is such a pleasure to be able to lead these visits and spend some quality time with pupils. It’s wonderful to see them out of the school environment, having fun, making…

Willow class tests our knowledge of coins at ASDA cafe!
This week Willow class went to ASDA cafe to buy our own snack!
We used our maths skills that we had been working on last half term to work out the total of our items, to recognise the coins we needed to use to pay and work out the change we are owed from the till.
We then sat at our tables…

7R meet more unthinkables!
The last two Superflex sessions with Miss Della-Fera have been great! We have met Energy Hare-y who doesn’t sit still and Worry Wall who might not be able to concentrate, eat or sleep because he is so worried. We talked about how these unthinkable characters might effect us and talked about how…
Beech Class Visit Blackpool Sea Life Centre 2020
This term Beech class are looking at the topic of the world we are exploring the environment of the beach and seaside and what better way that investigating at Blackpool Sea Life Centre. We all had a lovely time!
Beech's Pancake Day 2020
Beech class enjoyed pancake day a day early this week as we were exploring at Blackpool Sea Life Centre on Tuesday but they were just as tasty and fun to make, decorate and eat.

Pancake flipping in Chestnut
Today in Chestnut Class we enjoyed watching a pancake flipping and making Attention Autism, where some of us had a go at flipping the pancakes and did great at catching them in the pan! We then had a go at choosing what topping we wanted, either lemon or chocolate and they tasted…

9G’s Happy Pancake Day!
9G have had a lovely day celebrating Pancake Day. This morning we used flour, eggs, milk and oil to make our pancakes. We had a lot of fun and found it funny when Miss Robertson and Miss Holden flipped a pancake and dropped it! This afternoon we then got to use delicious chocolate spread and…