25 Feb

8R Pancake Celebrations

Today is Pancake Tuesday so this afternoon some of us had  pancake races in class. Mrs Clarke made it more tricky because we had to use tissue paper pancakes!! We had lots of fun trying to get across the classroom without dropping our "pancake". Mrs Clarke and Mrs Devlin even had a race with the…

24 Feb

Willow Class celebrates pancake day early!

Willow class celebrated pancake day one day early so that we could use our maths measuring skills to cook our own pancakes in the food etc kitchen!

Before we got our recipes and started cooking, we looked at the history of pancake day and the religious link to lent, learning that it is a very…

24 Feb

Year 7 Calvert Trust Celebration Sharing Our Learning!

A big thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to join us this afternoon for our Calvert Trust celebration “sharing our learning” event. The learners all received a special certificate for their achievements at Calvert Trust. We enjoyed sharing photos in our individual photo albums…

24 Feb

Recycle 4 School so far...

Well done everyone!


We have a full box! This is being collected on Monday 2nd March. We have done loads better this year than previous so as well as thanking you, I’d like to challenge you all...


Can we make it 2 full boxes before Easter break? 

That’s six weeks to get…

24 Feb

SEND Team Life Skills Intervention

During our Wednesday life skills sessions we have been working towards living a better, healthier US! We alternate cooking healthy snacks and meals and a theory session. These sessions are to support our young people to become more independent around school and at home. The sessions also support…

24 Feb

9G go to the cafe!

9G have had a lovely afternoon at Chorley Town Cafe. We followed directions to get to the cafe going through Chorley town centre. We also practised our road safety skills to make sure it was safe to cross. When we got to the cafe we took it in turns to order and pay for our own food. We then…

24 Feb

Malachi's 13th birthday.

Malachi celebrated his 13th birthday during the half term holidays. Today we had a cake in class and sang happy birthday to help him celebrate becoming a teenager. Malachi has taken the left over cake home to share with his mum and dad. Hope they enjoy it as much as we all did.

24 Feb

Make the pancake, flip the pancake, splat the pancake!

On monday we learnt all about why we celebrate pancake Day in our assembly and even had a taste of some pancakes! 
When we got back to class we all joined Miss Woods on the carpet as we took part in an attention autism, looking at what ingredients we need in order to make a pancake. Some of us…

24 Feb

Valentines Day in 7G

We had a great time preparing for Valentines Day in 7G!

At the beginning of the week we helped make some decorations for the Valentines Disco - this including cupids arrows and some lovely strawberry hearts!

Miss Carter came into help in 7G and we made some Valentines Cards using different…

24 Feb

7G Safer Internet Day

On Tuesday 11th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day in 7G.

To start us off our very own Tyler, who is our class digital leader, shared some information about Safer Internet Day. Tyler shared a video with us about making Avatars. We then looked through some different images of online…

24 Feb

7G History - The Romans

On our return from Calvert trust we took part in a history morning in 7G. 

We learnt about the Romans and how some of them were part of an army. We looked at what their uniform was and we noticed that they have big red shields. 

We then made our own shields using cardboard, red paint and…

17 Feb

Our Amazing Week at Calvert Trust

What a fantastic week we had a Calvert Trust.

On the first night we unpacked our suitcases, eat a delicious tea and chilled out in the swimming pool. We all settled really well at night after a story.

Day 1: Our Calvert adventure started with the challenging rope course. We made sure we were…