14 Feb

Party Time in Oak!

Today Oak enjoyed their last swimming lesson of the spring term. 

They had lots of fun playing in the pool celebrating all their hard work practicing and developing their swimming skills and confidence in the pool over that last 6 weeks.

When we got back to class we had a very special treat!…

14 Feb

11G prove to be event planners extraordinaire's

What a busy last few weeks it’s been! To continue building our functional skills 11G organised this year’s Valentines Disco.  This meant our learners had to uses a variety of skills to ensure the event ran smoothly.  The task they undertook included creating posters (by hand and digitally), making…

14 Feb

Rainbow Day in Willow class

Willow class celebrated Rainbow Day by wearing bright clothes to create a class rainbow and learning all about how people are different.

We discussed how rainbows have lots of different colours that all come together to make something brilliant- just like all our friends making one…

14 Feb

8R's Rainbows

As part of the LGBT+ celebrations we decorated our own rainbows that we are going to display in our classroom. 

We had a a very grown up discussion about how we are all different and the world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. Some of us could even tell me what LGBT stands…

14 Feb

Chestnuts Valentines Celebrations

Chestnut Class have had a week of Valentine’s Day celebrations, we have explored lots of different sensory activities related to love and Valentines Day. We have made biscuits and cards and yesterday we engaged with a Valentines themed Attention Autism.


14 Feb

Rainbow Day Circle Time in 7R!

Today we all came in different coloured clothes for Rainbow Day but we didn’t really understand why. We had a discussion about LGBT History Month and why it is important that we celebrate Rainbow Day. We learnt what LGBT stands for and what the words mean. We then played a circle time game,…

14 Feb

Chestnut Celebrate Rainbow Day

To celebrate rainbow day chestnut class dressed in brightly coloured clothes and collages pictures of rainbows. We also had lots of brightly coloured sensory activities to explore.


14 Feb

10G Rainbow Day - Celebrating "The same but different." Feb 2020

As the students had come dressed in colourful clothes to celebrate Rainbow Day, we looked at what it is to be the same  but different. Students thought about how we are all different; including things like being interested in different hobbies, having different family members, speaking in…

13 Feb

Oak - Children’s World Mental Health Week

Last week Oak Class celebrated Children’s World Mental Health Week through various activities learning about our emotions, our friendships and how it is good to be us!

Miss Cross did different Attention Autism activities, were we named different emotions we might feel, some of us had turns…

12 Feb

Our best week at Calvert Trust!!!

Last week 10R went to Calvert Trust we had loads of fun together. It  was so challenging but we all tried our best. Some of the activities we did were:

Ghyll Scrambling, Orienteering, High Ropes course and zip wire.

We  really enjoyed the food there and I also learned to make cups of tea…

12 Feb

A relaxing final day for Dodd group!

Our last day at Calvert involved cycling and a walk. First we travelled to a cycle track. We got our bikes and helmets and cycled around a fantastic old airfield. We had a couple of races round the track with Jacob winning the first race and Jake winning the second! It was so much fun and we…

12 Feb

Dodd Group got very wet on our second day at Calvert!

We needed our waterproofs and wellies on day 2 at Calvert! In the morning we went to Goldscope Mine. This involved a walk and a trip inside a dark mine. We used torches to guide us through the mine and we looked for metal in the roof. We talked about what it might be like to work in a mine and…