Chestnut’s wet and windy winter walk
Chestnut had a trip out to Ashurst Country Park. It was a bit wet and windy but we still had a great time!
Some of us loved the preteens pirate ship and were playing pirates.
We went for a woodland walk, splashed in muddy puddles and found the Gruffalo!
Religion Week in 8G
This week is Religion week at Astley Park School.
8G are learning all about Christianity. Yesterday we spoke about what Christians believe and the rules that they follow. We talked about why the symbol of a Cross is important and where Christians go to pray.
We then made amazing pictures…

11R Learn About Vesak
This morning 11R took part in a meditation session, focusing on Buddha with intense burning in the background. Pupils followed a guided relaxation video helping us to set stress and relax. This is a practice often carried out in the Buddhist religion. We ended the meditation with a feelings circle…

9Gs Happy New Year!
9G had a very fun and busy first week back. We are learning all about Doctors this term. We have been very busy playing doctors and nurses in our role play area. We drew around each other’s bodies and then painted the outline, it was really interesting to see how tall we all were. We also made…

7R enjoy a Tuesday treat!
This morning 7R have been practicing their Functional Maths skills in the community. We are learning all about money. We went to Massas cafe and enjoyed an ice cream or a snack and a drink. We were asked to order and pay for our own snack. Some of us found finding the correct coins to make a total…

11R Look at Buddhism for World Religion Week
What a great start to Religion Week!
We started the day with a Padlet exercise saying what we know about the Buddhist religion and thinking about what we would like to learn.
We learned about the birth of Buddha and had a Kahoot! To follow.
We also looked at a time of…
8R World Religion Week Christianity
This week in school we are celebrating World Religion Week. 8R have been asked to learn about Christianity so today we talked about different churches and the stained glass windows. We then spent the afternoon making our own stained glass windows. Some of us followed a template and some of us…
9G Devonshire park trip
We visited Devonshire Road Park today, it was a little cold, wet and windy but it didn't stop us having a brilliant trip. We went on the slides, swings, roundabouts, climbing frames, balancing beams trampoline and even made some music using the equipment. A group of children wanted to play…

Maple Class meet SuperTato (and Mr Darbyshire!)
Welcome back to school Maple Class!
Our new topic on our return to school is healthy heroes and within this we are reading the story SuperTato! This week we have all made our very own super potato practising our fine motor skills as well as various art activities. We have used vegetables to…
8G End of Week 1 (Spring term)
Welcome back to all our fantastic pupils in 8G! Everyone seems to have settled back into routine after the chaos of Christmas. It has been really nice to hear about what you have all been up to over the Christmas break.
Our new theme for the Spring term will be Doctor, Doctor! This first half…

2 more birthdays in 8G this week!
On Friday it was Skye AND Jake's 13th birthdays.
We had a very busy day as Mrs James came to see us in the morning to do some work about feelings and then in the afternoon it was our first time back at swimming this year. Luckily we still found time to sing Happy Birthday and to eat some yummy…

Food, Glorious Food - 7R
Welcome back and a Happy New Year!
7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food".
Communication, Language and Literacy
In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…